Mundane News

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Partaking of coffee at my favourite stop in the city this morning and watching the world go by, I was approached by a young lass who asked me if I could mind her wee dog; a scruffy, but very woosey specimen, 'for a minute' whilst she went into M&S. I said nae bother, so off she went. Nearly twenty minutes later, I did wonder if I'd been 'dog dumped' - ! :wacko:
However, the lass duly returned with a very full carrier bag and off the pair went. ^_^
Minded me of a similar occurrence about thirty years ago. I was in Thetford Forest with my girlfriend of the time and a lass on horseback was approaching us. When she got level, she jumped off her horse, handed me the reins, saying 'Can you hold my horse please, I'm busting for a wee - !' and disappeared into the trees - ! :eek:
I must have a very trusting face - ! :laugh:


All at sea⛵
Gwylan would like you to send him three and fourpence.

What time is the dance?


Legendary Member
Always found it weird how certain TV companies dominated the ITV output and others were rare or that associated with a certain program like


My local TV station with the iconic silver horse/knight ident. Even with the sound turned off "And now from Norwich - It's the quiz of the week" immediately played in my head.


All at sea⛵
Took my bike for a roam

Had to get from Ashford International Station to Wm Harvey Hospital.
Several occasions I nearly got an ambulance ride. SUV Assassins are out in force.

Who convinced who that the cycle route was remotely suitable.
Several 90 degree bends and so on.

Now cast adrift in the confused universe called "out patients". Condemned to see my days out here I feel. Send reinforcements

Well I effected my escape and got back to the station
The temperature had fallen and I got distinctly cold waiting for a connection at Canterbury.
Had to change stations. Place is heaving with touroids of most race, hue and tongue. Lurching about the town begging to be run over by a geriatric cyclist.
The whistle was most effective in getting their glazed attention.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Our good weather continues, although slightly colder today than the past few days. I still got washing dried. No cycling after work as I had my dance class.

I got outbid at the last minute on an eBay item. :angry:

There's a high pressure lingering over Ireland at the moment. Good for you but it's dragging artic air down on us. Which is not so good.
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