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Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
80p for six extra large free range eggs in the Co-op tonight. :whistle:

Picked up five yoghurts (reduced from £1.45 each to 36p) and a pack of three demi baguettes (from £1 to 25p).

Not allowed to buy cheese, olives or smoked salmon as I lucked out majorly on those over the hols. Guess what was twinkling at me in the cabinet. :laugh: Managed to resist and keep my hands in my pockets. :angel:

Had lox and a schmear on sourdough for lunch though. :hungry:
Got a nice load of lamb neck for under a fiver (currently marinating away) ...actually lamb breast is a bit of a blag even if not YS'd . I'll say it's the new pork belly!:okay::hungry:. I might try next time slowcooking it on the bone as I do with oxtail, till it just falls off:addict:.
Chick Peas ?

Nope. :sad: I have haricot beans though. They'll go nicely with peas, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli and baby tatties. :hungry:
Got a nice load of lamb neck for under a fiver (currently marinating away) ...actually lamb breast is a bit of a blag even if not YS'd . I'll say it's the new pork belly!:okay::hungry:. I might try next time slowcooking it on the bone as I do with oxtail, till it just falls off:addict:.

Ooooo, nice. :hungry:

+1 for the lamb breast, though sometimes it can be a challenge to find one that's not *too* fatty. But it's good, slow-cooked with mint and an insane amount of garlic. :biggrin:

Another good cheap meat (though admittedly not everyone's :cuppa: ) are chicken livers. Equally good pan fried with bacon and kidneys, or braised with loads of onions. And served with mashed tatties. :hungry: I picked up a pack for 12p on YS previous week, but at £1.20 full whack, it's still good vfm.
First big shop of the year this morning. New Year rezzo was to ditch Tesco big shop as they were getting silly on prices. Hence, to Aldi. Still had to pop in to Tesco for some bits that Aldi don't sell ( Dentastix for doggies and Sensodyne for me) . Guesstimate on Aldi v Tesco is that I've saved £57 today. Pretty pleased. :smile:

From that, I'd hazard a guess you've been buying branded stuff in Tesco. ;) (I may be way off the mark here, but apologies if I am.)

When you compare like for like e.g. Aldi & Lidl to Tesco's own brand, they're pretty much of a muchness on price. Though you do need to check pack sizes and price per unit weight as Aldi & Lidl tend to have smaller packs of things which gives a false illusion of cheapness. And watch out for the real clunkers hiding among the everyday items. I've had a fair few in my time. xx(

Can't say much about Aldi as I don't go in there on a regular basis - Lidl works out better for me. But where Lidl scores really well is on their continental deli (cured meats, cheeses) and on things like kitchen roll, toilet roll (they do packs of 24 cushelle for £8), rice cakes, baking staples (brown sugar, dessert chocolate, dried fruit), canned veg, set honey, peanut butter and some of their yoghurts and desserts. I go every couple of months and stock up as the nearest Lidl to me is a 40 mile round trip.

For everyday items, I've found that Tesco own brand can be better than the big brand by some margin. I rarely buy branded stuff - most of what I do buy is food and treats for the cats.

Deleted member 1258

I've been dashing away with a smoothing iron, all the stuff my Good Lady gave me the day before yesterday when I visited her in hospital has been washed and ironed ready for me to take back today. But I have a decision to make, I'm still mildly lurgyfied but I'm due to cycle out to meet friends this morning, so do I cycle or do I drive, or do I just stay at home?

I drove out in the end, it turned out that I wasn't the only one, my mate's lurgified as well and drove out.I'm hoping this doesn't hang about too much, my Good Lady's making good progress and could be home in a few weeks, also my old club has a charity ride in the middle of February and it would be good to ride that.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I have tried to like it, because so many of my friends seem to, but yes, it is utterly revolting.
The stuff I've seen hereabouts, I'd agree with you. But after a spell in Scotland, I'd recommend trying Scottish black pudding - peppery and oaty - and not quite the same thing. Different beast(ie).
I have tried to like it, because so many of my friends seem to, but yes, it is utterly revolting.

There're loads of different kinds, and, speaking from experience, some are not very nice.

Proper french / belgian style "Boudin Noir" is really good if you can get it. I can't, sadly, but the Bury black pudding (the one with 4 large slices in a pack) is rather nice. As a rule of thumb, I'd say avoid any that come in the plastic casings.
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