Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
@User21629 , so glad for your news. very glad to hear it.
[QUOTE 5239612, member: 21629"]Started a new job as a forklift driver 3 weeks ago. Agency worker as usual. Few days ago I was offered another forklift job from another agency and accepted it. Told to my current agency consultant that I'm leaving because of that new job. 10 minutes later agency consultant and agency manager came to me with an offer of a job as warehouse supervisor - "we can't let you go". Sky high wages, forklift driving + doing some paperwork etc, mama mia I love it.[/QUOTE]
Congratulations on finding your new job .
Went out for a cycle ride with my friends last night, tried my new camera out again. Bambi jumped out of a field and went hop, skip and a jump across the road in front of us, it is strange how small it looks being played back on the computer. At the time the Deer looked rather large.
When we got back one of my friends asked the other how many miles we had done . 8 was the reply according to his mileometer. My other friend and I gave each other a puzzled look, we thought it seemed more like 10. I measured our ride later using an Ordnance Survey map ,a piece of paper and pencil. 10 3/4 miles according to my calculations .
Well ! After letting the hospital know of my decision there has been silence. We have left messages on their answer machine and haven't yet received a reply !
We will send them an email later .
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