Mundane News

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Leg End Member
I'm back. Relax........^_^:becool:
Been to the shop as well?
Did you? Or did you in fact fold up the drying?

Well obviously it was washed, so it was the wa... oh, wait a minute. It was, as you clearly imply, actually the drying. Because it was up until that point, hanging on the dryer. Hmmm...

Except it was in fact already dry, otherwise I'd not have folded it, because that would clearly be silly, so it was the dr...

Look, Can I get back to you on that?
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Leg End Member
Yep. Bricomarte, near Oviedo, Asturias.
A bit like B&Q then, only a bit further to travel.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Like the biggest bestest B&Q in the world.
Looks like Home Depot.
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