Mundane News

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Utility ride into town this morning. Bloomin :cold: and still haven't quite thawed out though. I did manage to get milk, cheese and breakfast cereal on sticker though.

The garden centre didn't have the work gloves I was looking for - they've cut down their range to make way for their Xmas lines. I do like to support a local independent shop, but it looks like I will be ordering from one internet supplier or other instead.

I have just had a :cuppa: accompanied by a bag of smoky bacon crisps.
I use mine mainly for things like rust effects on models. I keep trying to use watercolours but they're scary: you can't just scumble over mistakes and try again.

That's the thing about watercolour - if you blooper, then the whole painting is pretty much borked. I like watercolours though, as they make me really concentrate on what I'm doing.
That's the thing about watercolour - if you blooper, then the whole painting is pretty much borked. I like watercolours though, as they make me really concentrate on what I'm doing.

Full confession: my way to get around this (usually this is when Beautiful Daughter wants to paint with me) is to make a basic shape with blocks of watercolour then line them with ink to add details and texture.

Don't tell anyone though.
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Full confession: my way to get around this (usually this is when Beautiful Daughter wants to paint with me) is to make a basic shape with blocks of watercolour then line them with ink to add details and texture.

Don't tell anyone though.

Nowt wrong with abstracts. ^_^ Bet they're better than the ones I've seen for sale and all. :okay:


Leg End Member
*weird hand wave in @classic33 's direction*

Those are not the gloves I am looking for.
This sort?
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