Mundane News

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I've got a new duvet cover.


Have had some sad news. One of my brother's work colleagues had an accident at home not long after the New Year and was rushed to hospital with a head injury. We heard last night that he has died.

Doug is fairly shocked. They started with the firm at the same time so were on good terms with each other.:sad:
Dreadfully sad. We’d only been talking about him, during our ride on Tuesday.


Un rouleur infatigable
Cleared the drive and cars of snow this morning. Did the back patio too for the dog as he hates going out in the wet.
Well, the deluge has stopped. But it is still, raw and rather murky here chez Casa Reynard.

I spent the morning re-jigging the fridge in the utility room. Have moved the stuff that needs using into the fridge in the kitchen, and I now have space for tomorrow's grocery shopping. Plus I've a better idea of what I'm NOT allowed to buy... :whistle:

Also, the cling film I ordered off Amazon has arrived.

Almost lunchtime. I think I'm going to have another, chicken, sausage and cranberry sandwich. :hungry:
I put some wet cat food out for the birds as little one scored loads of runs with it .
Next door's cat is now set underneath the feeder waiting for it to drop off. :wacko:
She was there sniffing the air and eventually sussed that it must be coming from the feeder. She tried climbing up it but could only reach halfway .

Whiskas? That stuff is notorious for giving cats the squits...

Fortunately, my two won't touch the stuff, so I don't need to find out if it has that particular effect on them. :blush: Lexi has a sensitive tum thanks to her awful start in life, so I do have to watch what I feed the girls.
View out of the front door:

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