Mundane News

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Deleted member 1258

Snap! It's our wedding anniversary today too, 15 years.

Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs @fossyant :smile:

Happy Anniversary. :birthday: :cheers:


Legendary Member
I forgot to tell you.Miss P has made her own graduation dress.The material we bought from a store in New York no less,she finished it last night,left it a bit late,there are just a few strands of cotton to cut off tonight.It's floaty like and green,made with her 21st birthday gift a Bernina sewing machine,one of the best in the sewing world it seems.Or should that be seams.
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I'm now looking forward to a happy couple of days mowing..

Now I've got my flail fixed..

Don't ask how I busted that ok?? :angel:

I've just spent the afternoon up to the ears in mower guts. In my case, a Westwood T1300. I've been removing an astonishing amount of plant fibres from inside the blade spindle housings. It's like the bloody TARDIS in there... :wacko:


Right, it's almost time to feed the cats, and then it will be time to feed me.
You only just had jaffa cake and tea! ^_^
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