Mundane News

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Legendary Member
My observations this morning reveal that modern day snowmen are much more health conscious than they used to be.

When I was young it was customary for snowmen to smoke pipes!:becool:
When did you twig that.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
cold & windy today, feels like the "teens" F. :cold:

had plans to ride w/ a friend but he's a 1.5 hr drive away (there's a state park, I like, near him). told him I didn't want to ride more than 1 hour today & driving 3 hrs (round trip) didn't make sense for me. we'll ride together when it warms up

I have always had a rule that the time spent driving can’t be less than the time spent biking.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Cake finished....




Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Now't much to do, still got a dodgy knee, but it's much better pottering about. Nipped out for flowers for MIL's birthday to see how bad the roads were - OK. Heavy snow this morning but it's melting fast. MrsF has decided to walk to the Nursing Home to see her mum, it's about an hour's walk each way.

I've tinered in the garage, fitted some heli tape to the refurbed Ribble, checked fluids,bulbs etc on the car as it's MOT is on Wednesday and leant my neighbour a screwdriver !

Ah, as I type it's started to snow again !

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Don’t attend a cat’s birthday party if you want to avoid Covid. It’s not funny but...
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