Mundane News

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Legendary Member
my Mom, when I was a young man, sometimes suggested I invite a girl for a roll in the hay. wutz with all the hay colloquialisms? & why did my Mom think I needed so much encouragement? make hay while the sun shines?

I'm not sure, but given that I am currently blocked up with hay fever, I should probably give hay a wide berth!


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
It's a warm and sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Did not sleep well. Just was FAR too cold. No idea why. I have had a quiet morning working on some writing. Madam Lexi has spent the time outside enjoying the sunshine, although she did come in to honk up a hairball on the landing.

Green bin was emptied early doors. But only the top half. Need to work out why the bottom half didn't end up in the truck.

This afternoon I plan on doing the gardening that I didn't do yesterday.

It is almost time for luncheon.

Could it be that, with Monday being a BH, and having been busy, they were rushing it?

My bin has a lot of grass in it, I just hope it will come out when they empty it Tuesday.
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A warm and mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but it was daylight when I finally dropped off (dealing with insomnia is much easier in the winter!). Feel a bit bleurgh. Have spent the morning doing some stuff on my archive. This afternoon I need to provide a taxi service for the parental unit, although while I'm doing that, I shall divert to the nearby garden centre for some tomato and strawberry plants.

Can't be doing with the faff of growing them from seed (been there, done that), and it's just far easier to let someone else do the hard work and buy exactly the number of plants that I need. Particularly with tomato plants, the net return from each plant is usually much greater than the initial outlay, so it makes sense.

Anyways, it's just about time for luncheon.


I put our gazebo's canopy up yesterday. As I tried to hang the thing back up I was standing on a chair. I started feeling that sinking feeling! The legs of the chair were slowly sinking into the lawn. There has been so much rain recently that the ground is still soft. I couldn't figure out why I was having difficulty mounting the centre bolt. My wife told me I had the canopy upside down! :angry:

A sheet of 5mm ply under the legs of a chair or stepladder works well in these circumstances. DAMHIKT.

It's also down to it being a series of point loads as opposed to a load being spread out over a larger area. Same load over a bigger area equals a much lower pressure, which is why you won't sink if the chair or ladder is on a sheet of ply. It's also why it's not advisable to wear stiletto shoes on soft ground.


Not sure i'll be getting many bottles of red from the harvest this year. A single grape would be nice. :laugh:
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It'll take about three years before you get a decent crop. I get enough grapes from my vine to make about five jars of grape & apple jelly every year. I think my vine is about 8 years old now. (Phoenix, a white grape, btw)


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Most people never read emails. I learnt that working in technical support for a telecoms company for many years. The amount of times I wrote emails giving people instructions on how to do something and they'd call in again and it would be clear they hadn't even read it.

They don't read the manuals either.

Mind, the children used to get very cross when I made the read the manuals before they played with the toys.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Trying to write a report for a couple of clients. On in particular is highly intelligent but for various medical reasons isn't ready for normal work. I'm trying to write honestly but make it clear that he needs to stay on the programme.

I need to go on the till in ten minutes so I'll get a break...

Are you saying you'd rather be on the till than writing the reports? Then you have my sympathy.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
A sheet of 5mm ply under the legs of a chair or stepladder works well in these circumstances. DAMHIKT.

It's also down to it being a series of point loads as opposed to a load being spread out over a larger area. Same load over a bigger area equals a much lower pressure, which is why you won't sink if the chair or ladder is on a sheet of ply. It's also why it's not advisable to wear stiletto shoes on soft ground.

Does he wear stilettos often?
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