Mundane News

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
The sun has gone behind a dark cloud


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I don't think it's anything to do with the keyboard itself. When the Euro was introduced, you downloaded or upgraded something to make the Euro symbol work. I can't remember the details now as it was so long ago but I would have thought any computer made since then would have it already done.

Maybe you have your keyboard set to American standard or something.

When the euro was introduced they manufactured keyboards with a euro symbol. My keyboard is clearly older than that. There is no euro on my keyboard.

what's so hard to understand?


Vice Admiral
One for the statisticians on here.
What are the chances of three seperate, unconnected, digital clocks/timers all "stopping" at the same time?
Or did something happen today at 15:44?

After he died, I collected my Father's possessions from the hospital, and his watch had stopped at 3.45pm.

About a year later, on holiday in Portugal, we went past a church with a clock on the tower. The clock was not working, and had stopped at 3.45pm.
There is a chocolate croissant in the kitchen with my name on it. :hungry:


Legendary Member
True to our normal fashion, a family lunch turned into almost 3 hours of eating, dinking & nattering - a good time was had by all.
I then continued the spending spree with the exciting purchase of 2 doormats and a washing up bowl from the local hardware store having dropped the oldies at home.
I did find time for a late afternoon loop into Felixstowe & back to do a quick test ride of the new wheels I fitted yesterday, but this coincided with sea mist starting to roll in and a noticable drop in the temperature as I got to the cliff top.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
After he died, I collected my Father's possessions from the hospital, and his watch had stopped at 3.45pm.

About a year later, on holiday in Portugal, we went past a church with a clock on the tower. The clock was not working, and had stopped at 3.45pm.

That's a sign, and I am now genuflecting, as my ma always did when she said that.
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