My picture of the day-Where's yours?

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Is it just me, or do the hands on that statue look like they'd be just right for hanging the bike from by the crossbar?
Now I'm not suggesting for a minute that anyone should do cyclists have a bad enough name as it is without such carrying on.

I think it must be some kind of new initiative introduced by the council to allow bicycle servicing in town centres. Not so good to use with a sloping crossbar. Perhaps the hands are adjustable !
A little competition, no prizes however. What is the flower ? I will give the answer later.
Guess the flower.jpg


I was riding through a town called Stallion Springs. First time I've seen this many deer in someone's front yard so far away from the wilderness. (I counted five of them, one hopped over the fence as I was approaching to take a photo).

Wild. Just cow parsley I think, weighed down by a shower.

Nice picture, flowers that perhaps we take for granted. Oilseed rape is gradually going over now and that is not just confined to the fields as it has spread to hedgerows and central reservations of main roads. I am sure that some artistic soul has taken a great shot of it. I know ages ago I did. The smell alone is enough.


Legendary Member
Devon & Die
Nice picture, flowers that perhaps we take for granted. Oilseed rape is gradually going over now and that is not just confined to the fields as it has spread to hedgerows and central reservations of main roads. I am sure that some artistic soul has taken a great shot of it. I know ages ago I did. The smell alone is enough.
I have fun with the macro ability of my camera, taking photos of tiny flowers & florets - the beauty in miniature helps me look anew at familiar plants.

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