Nearly got squished

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Senior Member
South Shropshire
Coming home from town pulling the trailer with my daughter in, lights blazing and high-vised up to the nines and flying the flag. Was approaching these lights (at red) in the middle of the three lanes. Was at about the hatching starts for the island when a kindly coach driver decided he wanted to be infront of me. Needless to say he cut me off good and proper and would have crushed me and the trailer had the car to my left (who was turning left) not stopped so I could move over.

Bit disappointed at myself as instead of taking his reg number, coach company name and number I went up onto the pedestrian island and banged on his door. The conversation went along these lines:

Me: 'Were you trying to kill me and my daughter?'
him (smiling): 'I was over taking'
Me (even more annoyed cos of his dumbass smile): 'There's a whole other farking lane you could've used!!'
Him (and this is a direct quote): 'There was a car in it'

I carried on swearing as he closed his door and drove off. :cursing:
Coming home from town pulling the trailer with my daughter in, lights blazing and high-vised up to the nines and flying the flag.

There's your problem. If you will use urban camouflage;) ....
I too have sworn in anger within earshot of my children (when they were much younger).

It is always to be regretted, however serious the trigger that causes the swearing.

I'm sorry to hear you had a close call, but glad no-one was hurt.

If it was truly dangerous (and this sounds as if it was) I'd be inclined to report it.


Legendary Member
I know that junction well. That's where the pram with 2 babies was hit by an RLJing car driver a while back.

Grass the chump to his employer. He shouldn't be in a position where the safety of others relies on his actions.


Definitely report him to the company.
Must've been the day for idiot bus drivers, I had one make two attempts at squashing me today.
We were heading towards each other -on respective sides of the road - and I needed to turn right (so over his lane) There was a car coming out of the side street I was heading for -which he let out, then proceeded to come right over onto my side of the road as he passed me. Fortunately I wasn't right on the line waiting for the turn.
Then he went round the block (no idea why he didn't take the side street) and ended up behind me as I went under a railway bridge - very narrow road, I ride a solid primary so I can't be overtaken. Just as I've got my arm out to signal my turn and move right across the lane - he whizzes past so close I had to pull my arm back in to avoid being hit!!!
Then I ended up with a transit behind me, trying to overtake but not having time/space until we're approaching a section of road with a traffic island on one side and a parked car on the other and off he goes way too close -but what was worse was the super-sized trailer he was pulling that almost smashed into me too!
Sorry to hi-jack the thread, it was one of those rides.


Senior Member
South Shropshire
I would report the chap but alas in my anger and frustration of numptyness from a professional driver I didn't get any of his details :sad:
Next time though ..

Urban camo .. yes, I have noticed that I have more close passes and see more general twatty driving when wearing it. No wonder there are so many ninja cyclists around here.

Drago, that is a horrible junction sometimes as people wait till the last minute to cut into the supermarket lane because of the bus stop. I didn't know about the RLJer there though, but it really doesn't surprise me.

Sandra, no need to apologise for the hijack, its good to vent about crappy rides (and why do people forget they have trailers on?). Its good that nothing serious happened to you.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
There's your problem. If you will use urban camouflage;) ....
Why do some regard high viz as urban camouflage. When i'm driving i can spot a cyclist, like this morning when it was lashing down, a few hundred yards away yet if they're wearing black,grey etc i might not see them till i'm 30 yards away. Surely black against a road and stone walled background for example is harder to see than fluorescent orange or yellow?:smile:


South Tyneside
When a white van man lectured me on the dangers of overtaking (his stationary vehicle) I asked him if he had been thinking of moving right.
Suffice to say he was the idiot who had very dangerously roared past me down a hill into Morpeth.

Luckily you were prepared.


Well-Known Member
That is a horrid situation and made worse by having your Daughter with you.

I would so want to have reported the driver. If I find a driver acting badly in a marked vehicle particularly a large one I make a point of contacting the employer and reporting it.

My Wife was driving the BMW with the top down and a white van man came up behind intimidating her by driving too close. When he eventually got past and she had done nothing more than be a little slow at pulling away at the traffic lights by Swindon just before you go over the M4 into Wroughton, he started shouting and swearing at her. She was very frightened. He then did the dangerous and legally chargeable offence of slamming his brakes on a few times.

She was quick enough to get the name of the company and part of the registration. I reported it and the the short story is the guy was very aggressive so the company knew of his nature and fired him on the spot. He deserved no less.

In your shoes I would go back to that junction 15 minutes before you were there yesterday and wait. Once you see a coach you will know the name of the company. You only need to report the time of day and location and they should know who the driver was. Unless these foolish and dangerous drivers are reprimanded or worse, none of us can feel safe.




I feel your pain on this one. I've done the same myself and it is just so frustrating when they just drive off leaving you there with it all to deal with. Worse in your case because of having your daughter with you.
I would just repeat what everyone else is saying and if there is any way to recall or find out what the company was to report the incident.
I think it is slightly amusing that some commercial vehicles have got those "How's my driving" stickers on them which are usually followed by an impossible to remember quickly 11 digit number. (The ones to really watch out for are the ones that have this notice on the underside of their vehicles. But of course you don't spot them until it's too late)


Some on here would believe you are partially to blame because you dared to take your child in a trailer on the road:rolleyes:
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