Needing cat help

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Changed hemispheres!
The cat has chosen its new slave.

Welcome to servitude!
been there for 20 odd years!
You will be covered in big, itchy flea bites before bedtime, and not just normal flea bites but vicious killer Aussie ones!
ha ha. it had occurred ot me and whilst I was in the hammoch with it, I did a thorough check and found nothing. It didn't bat an eyelid over me checking it anywhere!

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
It has put a complete halt to all of today's chores. I haven't even managed to get the fire wood in yet. I am literally tripping over it all the time. Only the hoover got rid of it until it was turned off again. I cant even get the rugs in as it is going dark, or get the fire laid.

If we throw it out overnight, when I say neighbours I means miles away - if it is theirs its strayed a long way.... The 5 of us are spread over several thousand hectares.
Kick it out on its derriere. It looks more than big enough to be ok on a cold night, after all it has a fur coat and cats do have a tendency to be able to find shelter if needed. It will probably curl up under a car bonnet somewhere where the warmth from the cooling engine and shelter from the outside conditions will keep the temp well above freezing. :okay:


Changed hemispheres!
Kick it out on its derriere. It looks more than big enough to be ok on a cold night, after all it has a fur coat and cats do have a tendency to be able to find shelter if needed. It will probably curl up under a car bonnet somewhere where the warmth from the cooling engine and shelter from the outside conditions will keep the temp well above freezing. :okay:
there's only 1 car bonnet anywhere around here and I really do mean it.
And yes, I'm lean. It's maybe 1/3-1/2 the size of a normal cat and weighs nothing at all.
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Legendary Member
It sounds to me as though it has got lost and is just trying to survive by the only means it knows how at that age, scrounging food.
As for what to do with it, no idea, we had a young cat move in last year but the caretaker owners were trying to re-home her (Fifi originally lived in Birmingham but her owner suffered domestic abuse so when she left that house the cat came to live in Leicester with a cousin)


Changed hemispheres!
Well, my OH is coming home with some cat food. (vegan plus eggs means we don't have much except eggs that it will eat). Currently it has launched an attack on my boot lace and unlaced my boots again. I have managed to get the fire lit, but the rugs are a lost cause!

Size wise, well I am wearing aged (not sized, aged) 11-12 year old tracksuit bottoms. It is small and younger than we would like to kick out with another very cold (for aussie standards) night due.
the only way I am getting any peace and quite is to sit down with it on my lap! So much for completing what was needed on the chook house before they arrive on Saturday. We are out all day tomorrow - OH's first day off since arriving (at least first day off that isn't house or furniture moving!) We have arrangements, tickets paid for and a wedding cake (vegan) to collect from Canberra, so if it is still around tomorrow morning, it will be going to be a rescue center. It is all we can do sadly. It would also not be fair to have it for 3 years and then leave the country! Its not like we can take it with us and it has a very soft temperatment, sadly its claws don't have a similar point of view!

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
You have been chosen . enjoy your new cat :okay:
P.S The one i am trying to steal ..... i mean the one that comes in my house unwanted likes egg yolks , but not the white so you have to separate them for her .
I give that to my eldest cat every day. She loves the yolks, pure protein for her.


Changed hemispheres!
it would appear that it is 4-6 months in age. going by the teeth..
i'll try weighing it later but that could be a lost cause. there's no way this little thing even weighs 2kgs!
@jefmcg might be able to offer advice about Aussie moggies
It's been dumped.

And you only have three choices - get it fixed and keep it, locking it inside at night and feeding it meat; rehoming it with someone who will do the same ; or taking it to a shelter. Unfortunately no Australian shelter has a no-kill policy.

Do not release it back onto the wild. It will survive - by killing an inordinate number of native animals. Australia has no native feline, so fauna is very vulnerable.

You can get it a pet passport and bring it back with you if you choose. But if not, you are right to take it to a shelter now, when it had a greater chance of being adopted.

Australia's RSPCA has no direct connection to UK organisation. Like the American ASPCA, they chose a similar name to the UK organisation, and added an R when they got a Royal Warrant.

Edit: if you want to keep it, contact your landlord. No-pet clauses are pretty standard, so it's quite possible your landlord doesn't care, or will be sympathetic to your plight.
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I thought cats were the scourge to native Australian wildlife.
I love animals that's why I don't eat them but if they are not indigenous....

(Not saying you should eat it)


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
If you want the cat to keep its distance while you're deciding what to do, don't let it climb you or sit on you, growl at it and stamp your feet when it gets too close and hiss air over your teeth like a steam train letting off pressure (pfshht! but it's hard to write that and give the effect) and if it's not deaf, it should cower. A few gentle bats may be needed to undo the effect of having let it pet you. Oh and unlike dogs, most cats never really learn or try to please unrelated animals, but they will try to avoid being shoved or batted or otherwise lose control of their space.

I don't mind cats and they can be soothing to stroke but I detest their claws (hence knowing how to get them to keep their distance from me) and how much most cats kill.


Legendary Member
A statistic I'm fond of repeating is that in the UK there are thought to be about 7 million domestic cats and 10 million families who think they own a cat.

I expect the same applies in Oz.


Changed hemispheres!
we have a special clause in the rental agreement, no cats because of the bird life around here.
We haven't heard anything from neighbours - our landlord is a neighbour (somewhere on the several thousand hectares there are around here) as well.
We'll try to get it into a shelter or something tomorrow. It is all we can do really. There should be no problem rehoming it. it is an affectionate little thing that is still at the kitten playful stage and will settle anywhere its wanted. At the moment it is siting in the bookcase on 2 books lain down, avoiding contact with either of us. sadly it has not worked out the space issue. I can't walk anywhere without tripping over it or it trying to rub against my boots. not sure what to do with it overnight. its another below zero night, but it has been fed now - scoffed the lot faster than the average dog! probably put it out and hope that it does not sit outside the bedroom window and meow all night.
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