Needing cat help

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Legendary Member
Surprised no-one's mentioned the old saying 'Dogs have owners; cats have staff.'


We can't have a cat. its in the tenancy agreement. so its a no go. But even so, when our visas expire in 2020, what then? And we are both dog people. I was just fed up totally of it trying to climb my legs. It hurts.

It has put a complete halt to all of today's chores. I haven't even managed to get the fire wood in yet. I am literally tripping over it all the time. Only the hoover got rid of it until it was turned off again. I cant even get the rugs in as it is going dark, or get the fire laid.

If we throw it out overnight, when I say neighbours I means miles away - if it is theirs its strayed a long way.... The 5 of us are spread over several thousand hectares.

Chipping, guess it may be. It could be worth trying to put it in a box in the car tomorrow.... mind wanders to lack of car interior afterwards...
RSPCA does exist here (quite a few from the UK do)... I'll have to look into it. Just hoping that one of my neighbours rings.

Sorry, its on the keyboard again...

You DON'T have a cat - it has you! :laugh:


Legendary Member
What cat owners don't realise is that their cats are actually plotting to kill them and eat them. Weaving around your feet is an amateurish attempt to trip you. Soon they learn to do it at the top of the stairs, so watch out.
we have a special clause in the rental agreement, no cats because of the bird life around here.
We haven't heard anything from neighbours - our landlord is a neighbour (somewhere on the several thousand hectares there are around here) as well.
We'll try to get it into a shelter or something tomorrow. It is all we can do really. There should be no problem rehoming it. it is an affectionate little thing that is still at the kitten playful stage and will settle anywhere its wanted. At the moment it is siting in the bookcase on 2 books lain down, avoiding contact with either of us. sadly it has not worked out the space issue. I can't walk anywhere without tripping over it or it trying to rub against my boots. not sure what to do with it overnight. its another below zero night, but it has been fed now - scoffed the lot faster than the average dog! probably put it out and hope that it does not sit outside the bedroom window and meow all night.
I wouldn't put a kitten or young cat outside in sub zero temps myself. Could you put a box with a blanket in an outbuilding maybe?


Changed hemispheres!
I wouldn't put a kitten or young cat outside in sub zero temps myself. Could you put a box with a blanket in an outbuilding maybe?
we are discussing options at the moment. suspect it will end up staying indoors and us having to take up the mouse traps and clear the tops and the bookshelf of anything breakable.

it has just raided my vegetable soup which had the lid left off it whilst the reserve cooled, so its now having some more food... it has so far had 2 cooked eggs, a ladle full of vegan vegetable soup (chickpeas, garden peas, potato, carrot, parsnip, swede, celery, leek, onions and sweet potato - I kid not), a full cat sized tin of turkey in something... and is now on its second portion of soup (with it having started on the pan itself, we won't now eat what is left in there)....


Legendary Member
It has almost certainly been dumped. It's unlikely to be your neighbour's and if it was just wandering it would have found someone else before it got to your place.

Take it to the vet. They will check for microchip and will be able to give best advice about how to find it a home. They often know someone who has just lost their cat, or who is looking for a cat. This one should be out of its annoying kitten stage soon, so it may suit someone who wants a cat but not a kitten.
The vet will be easier to get to than the local council, or the RSPCA or Animal Welfare, and a lot less bureaucratic.
This one should be out of its cute kitten stage soon, so it may suit someone who wants a cat but not a kitten.
The vet will be easier to get to than the local council, or the RSPCA or Animal Welfare, and a lot less bureaucratic.
FTFY :smile:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
You need a mad cat lady like @Pat "5mph" to give advice, as I only have a dog.[/QUOTE]
Awww, how did I not get this alert, @SatNavSaysStraightOn must be well in her bed by now!

Its not like we can take it with us
But of course you can, I'm taking mine with me if I get Brexited :biggrin:
it would appear that it is 4-6 months in age. going by the teeth..
I was gonna say, he's around 6 months, not a kitten.

It's been dumped.
Exactly! You have been catified! You are the chosen one!
You can get it a pet passport and bring it back with you if you choose.
not sure what to do with it overnight
Erm ... he will sleep in your bed of course, you don't have to do anything.
it has so far had 2 cooked eggs, a ladle full of vegan vegetable soup (chickpeas, garden peas, potato, carrot, parsnip, swede, celery, leek, onions and sweet potato - I kid not), a full cat sized tin of turkey in something... and is now on its second portion of soup (with it having started on the pan itself, we won't now eat what is left in there)....
You'll be all right, I often share with BigCat, never got any stomach bugs or anything.
The wee soul loves you, get him to a vet, if microchipped does not mean the actual owners are not dead or moved away - but I think he got dumped - get him the snip, start looking at videos on YouTube on how to make cat trees, I just reupholstered one I found dumped, tree that is, not cat.
Don't forget annual vaccination, monthly flea treatment, trimonthly worm tablet.
Say hi to Cycle Ch(a)t from us, let's call him CC for short ^_^
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