(NEW) Cycling Lockdown Rules?

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What I said was (and none of it was in bold or red) "I could have gone out on my bike during the first lockdown for much longer than the permitted hour every day and nobody would have known."

I never said anything about it being a law or a rule, I was trying to demonstrate the opposite.

The fact that someone else decided to selectively quote me and put the words in bold text, does not alter that fact.

The vast majority of the anti covid "rules" are nothing more than guidance, There is no law stating that we have to stay 2 metres apart, there is no law saying that we must sing happy birthday twice whilst we wash our hands. Shaking hands is not an arrestable offence etc. etc.

If I wanted to have a row with anybody, I'd start a conversation with one of my teenage kids. I come on here to get away from that sort of thing. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
ah apologies for thinking it was you who put the words in bold (I read the thread too quickly) but I they were your words.
It was never a rule.
I am a civic minded bod but never followed it (as it wasn't a rule) - just went out riding by myself near no-one, often for several hours.
On one of these Essex rides I got nattering, at a distance, to a couple out for a walk (spookily I came across them twice several miles apart and they had seen me a third time at a third place another two miles away) - turned out they were off-duty coppers - I told them what I was doing for the day - not being part of Gove's private militia, they didn't march me off. I also told them I thought they would have issues policing things post Cummings. They acknowledged my views. The conversation was all perfectly amicable.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Hardly anything in the guidance was a rule. There was never a 2 metre rule or a rule for handwashing either. We were given guidance and we were trusted to follow it.

An hour was not in the guidance


Über Member
An hour was not in the guidance
It was..



Über Member
ah apologies for thinking it was you who put the words in bold (I read the thread too quickly) but I they were your words.
It was never a rule.
I am a civic minded bod but never followed it (as it wasn't a rule)

I did an hour on the bike setting off early in the morning in civil twilight and did another hour of walking in the afternoon sunshine.

I could have done 8 hours on the bike and not have been breaking any law though (because there never was a law).

Maybe I never made my point very clearly, but I was simply trying to say that much of the guidance we have all been following was unenforceable anyway due to not being enshrined in law.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
Maybe I never made my point very clearly, but I was simply trying to say that much of the guidance we have all been following was unenforceable anyway due to not being enshrined in law.

There was a similar debate here on CC, when restrictions began, about how often and/or how far one was allowed to cycle. There has likewise never been any countrywide restriction on either of those.


Über Member
There was a similar debate here on CC, when restrictions began, about how often and/or how far one was allowed to cycle. There has likewise never been any countrywide restriction on either of those.
Again, it's all down to what government ministers said under cross examination by Piers Morgan or how they were quoted in "The Daily Mail".

There were never any laws written about which kind of retail business could open either. A clothes shop was "not allowed" to open but if It wanted to open, it could have and there would have been nothing anyone could have done about it. One local garden centre flouted the "rules" because it also sold tools and cold pasties from the local bakery.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Again, it's all down to what government ministers said under cross examination by Piers Morgan or how they were quoted in "The Daily Mail".

There were never any laws written about which kind of retail business could open either. A clothes shop was "not allowed" to open but if It wanted to open, it could have and there would have been nothing anyone could have done about it. One local garden centre flouted the "rules" because it also sold tools and cold pasties from the local bakery.

Two "sources" I never watch or read, so, I would be in blissful ignorance of their pronouncements ;)
Wales has now gone into national lockdown circuit-breaker.

This means the local lockdown areas no longer exist so, ironically, although most other restrictions have hardened, I can now travel further on my bike rides. It was getting pretty boring trying to find interesting routes inside Cardiff.

Although it doesn't affect me club or group rides are back on the banned list.


East Sussex
it was not. That is just an example of sloppy journalism, the writer taking an off-the-cuff comment by Michael Gove at a press conference as official policy (where there was none) and perpetuating it. A great example of why one shouldn’t believe everything you read in the press and why you should get your information from official government websites where, you’ll note, there never was any nonsense about an hour a day...
it was not. That is just an example of sloppy journalism, the writer taking an off-the-cuff comment by Michael Gove at a press conference as official policy (where there was none) and perpetuating it. A great example of why one shouldn’t believe everything you read in the press and why you should get your information from official government websites where, you’ll note, there never was any nonsense about an hour a day...
It was also taken up I seem to remember by a few folk on here - and telling folk off for supposedly flouting the rule of Gove. I never paid any attention to the "idea" but knew I was no threat to anyone in my trips.
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