New Years Resolution (cycling related)

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"Young and Ex-whippet"
We are not too far away from the New Year now and what are your new years resolutions going to be?
Set a new milleage record? Learn a new skill? Be a good samaritan towards other cyclists? Go somewhere you have been meaning to for a while?

Next year I want to improve my cornering skills and get away from traffic lights a bit quicker. I am also aiming for a 10,000 mile record (28 miles a day).


My Armchair
My target this year was quite ambitious (5200) miles, might still do it but will probably fall just short.
Will go for the same again next year.
Main aim will be to get fittter and lighter so the hilly rides are not as gruelling as they have been.


Just a bloke on a bike!
Nothing too ambitious, a few more sportives than in 2011 and just to get out on the bike more.


Legendary Member
N Ireland
Lose a bit more weight, even though I'm quite thin, as I want to train better and get more aero on my TT bike so that I can set new PBs on all the TT courses that I race.


Just a bloke on a bike!
Might only be half a stone but it's the same half a stone I said I would loose in 2011 - does that make me a perpetual dieter?


West Somerset
To cycle more miles than Potsy, if only to stop him being quite so rude to me, and (although secondary to the former) to improve my average speed and overall fitness.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
To try and get 5000 miles for the year under my belt and get down to 13st - already lost 4 stone, so i am well adverse to losing weight at the moment!


About 25 years ago, I made a New Year's resolution to never again make another New Year's Resolution. I'm doing well with it so far and I see no reason to break it now. :thumbsup:


As long as I breathe, I attack.
My target next year ?
To try and keep cycling at the weekend with the club , with a baby due around new year i can see my cycling time taking a back seat .I have not been out for a long run in nearly a month due to illness and other family related reasons and i am feeling fat and grumpy :gun:
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