Non-political consequences of COVID

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I no longer have a grudge against Flash Gordon and my softer side has emerged


Legendary Member
Re Haircuts, i've been kept on as chief colourist for my OH, but we were both was relived where he hair dresser was available again for cutting.

Whilst my hair is now just a no. 2 all over, I've gone back to the barbers, as its quicker and I feel its good to support them, plus its good chat in there and conveniently next door to the butcher...don't get them confused....:okay:
Online lectures and training courses from all over the world. Hopefully some will continue online possibly in a hybrid form.
a mega boost in online things of course - many many art and cultural events from london based outfits whose premises I once visited.* Am afraid I can't be bothered with them. No replacement for live events with people.

Only positive I can tbink of from this hell in so many ways is that on my visits to several spoons, such is their good provision of hands-free sanitizer thingies, I don't always have to bother washing and drying my hands after having a P. Can just use the sanitizer outside the lavs on the way back to the beer.

* Just getting back slowly but some outfits have I fear developed an enthusiasm for the supposed wonders of online.
TBH, never got into a new routine or rhythm. First weeks of WFH, Zoom calls, home office PC and table etc excitement got worn thin.

More attention to new food recipes, books, YouTube on cycle touring etc. to break the boredom.
I bit the bullet and finally got stuck into a major writing project that I've been meaning to tackle for a very long time. I'd made a few abortive attempts previously, but they never got very far.

Have also taken up scratch modelling, but that's currently on hold until I find a glue I'm not allergic to.
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