Not quite about cycling but nearly.....

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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Try 40x heavier

You would be very surprised at how HGVs are treated, you do get the same type of punishment pass that cyclists complain of, you will get cut up by tiny little cars, some will overtake then brake violently. I haven't been a lorry driver for over 25 years and they were just a mere 32 tons then. However i doubt things have changed, may be one of our resident HGV drivers on the forum could comment on the situation now.

If we truly new how mentally unstable people become when driving we would never venture out there on two wheels.

I can confirm, as a current HGV (artic) driver, that nothing has changed. In fact, I have only been driving them for 6 years and even in that time things have got WORSE with regards to car driver behaviour. If anyone is interested, here is a list of my pet hates in that regard.....

1. Car drivers not indicating at roundabouts (I have to bring 44 tons to a standstill because I see you approach from my right, then you take the 1st exit on your left. Takes time to get the truck moving again, not to mention using more fuel).

2. On motorways, cars sit at 54 mph or less, until an HGV restricted to 55mph tries to pass you. THEN you decide to speed up; HGV has to abort the overtake and pull in behind you... Then you slow down again. And repeat....

3. Middle lane hogs. These annoy us all, but I don't think they realise that where a motorway or dual carriageway has 3 or more lanes, HGVs are not allowed in the right hand lane. So we can't get passed you if you are doddering along in the middle lane at 40mph; THAT is why you get flashed at!

4. HGV diesel pumps, please leave them free for HGVs! Your little car will fit under the awning of the main forecourt where you have a choice of several pumps. We only have one choice.

5. Parking. Oh, where to start on this one! When you park, consider the fact that something bigger than your Nissan Micra might have to get through the gap you leave. After all, it might be a fire engine that needs through to get to a fire.

6. Cars joining motorways or dual carriageways from slip roads.... It is up to YOU to give way; not the traffic already on the motorway!! Don't get me wrong, I will move over as a courtesy IF POSSIBLE. Unfortunately, it is often the case that there is traffic on my offside (that you cannot see due to the presence of my lorry) and they might not appreciate me driving into the side of their cars. So obey the law regarding "Give Way" lines, and either speed up to get in front of me, or slow down and slot in behind.

I am sure I will think of more to add to the above. With regards to holding up traffic on NSL roads where we have to sit at 40mph.... Sorry but you just have to be patient. As has been pointed out, it is not always easy to find a place to pull in. And if you do, and the road is busy, no-one will let you out again unless it is another HGV. If circumstances permit, I do sometimes pull in to let traffic past, but generally find that once I join the back of the queue again it is still sitting at 40mph, being held up by that Nissan Micra again! Why is it always a Nissan Micra? Usually a red one ^_^.


I like to leave a reasonable braking gap in front of me on motorways, especially if cars in front are closley bunched (that'll be most of the time). Sometimes the number of idiots pulling into my gap means it feels like I'm going backwards as I make allowance for their tailgating.
I remember watching a HGV driver on TV discussing this phenomenon, which is more important for them as they take longer to brake and 40 tons rolling over your BMW/Audi or whatever is no fun.
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