Oh dear I have just verbally abused a client but he did deserve it!

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Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Cycling in to Macc this morning I was cruising at over 20 in a 30 zone, when a Golf started to overtake me on a blind bend, the road wasn't too narrow so I wasn't too perturbed by the close pass. However while the over take was happening the black Mercedes overtaking the Golf overtaking the cyclist and nearly crashing head on into the car coming the otherway did. I rapidly caught them up and cycled on the inside of the Mercedes and informed him that I thought he liked pleasuring himself. My anger was further inflammed by the fact he was on his mobile phone. I caught him again and told him I thought he was a piece of a males anatomy, it was at this point despite him pulling the sun visor across to block his face that I noticed it was a long standing client of the practice where I work. He is a really nice bloke but it can't excuse his driving though which in reality could have ended up with a really serious incident. I am guilty of losing my temper but sometimes in circumstances when your life is on the line you just can't help it. Here endeth the rant!


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight...you're on a blind bend, a car over takes you...and this guy was overtaking the car over taking you? That is sheer madness! :blink:

As for him being a client...I'd try to keep work and "real life" as two separate things


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
So let me get this straight...you're on a blind bend, a car over takes you...and this guy was overtaking the car over taking you? That is sheer madness! :blink:

As for him being a client...I'd try to keep work and "real life" as two separate things

Yep it took me a moment to mentaly accept it had happened.


I think the fact he's a client is irrelevant. Perhaps embarrassing but irrelevant.

Personally, I think I'd be considering reporting him and to hell with how much he spends with the company.


We've just had a good laff over this in t' office.



So let me get this straight...you're on a blind bend, a car over takes you...and this guy was overtaking the car over taking you? That is sheer madness! :blink:

Seems like a worthy cause you giving him some abuse. Was he in a rush to pay your company a visit...?!

Hip Priest

I was once driving down the M62 at 4am in my Dad's car, when I came across a guy driving in the middle lane, despite there being no-one else on the road. I gave him a little flash and passed him on the right.

The next day my Dad came home yelling at me. "Dave from Work said you flashed him last night, he recognised the plates. I've never been so embarrassed...etc"

So I said, "Wouldn't you have flashed him in the same situation?" and he said "...err yeah, good point."
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