Oh dear I have just verbally abused a client but he did deserve it!

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Mad at urage

New Member
It was a reply to benborp on his comment about my post. This seems to have touched a raw nerve with you, something you d like to tell us ?
This wasn't a reply to benborp, but directly to me:
As the overtaker it is up to you to make the pass safely. Id assume you would wish this to apply to a motorist passing you on a cycle ? If in doubt don t !
I simply used the later quote as it was in the same theme.


No, you seem to be taking this rather personaly. The first 2 posts were general statements prompted by your post, the 3rd was to you, as you addressed me.


Active Member
i'm a lane 2 hugger especially on busy motorway traffic. i do 70-80 mph. but i still get overtaken. i get some odd flash here and again. but i dont mind them. as they are just as guilty as me.


Nobody's saying you can't post, but you made a false accusation here:


and a bogus claim here:


Both times you were invited to back up your claims. Both times you disappeared.
I dont dissappear, although Im sure some would wish I did.

Ill take the second example first, simply the evidence is on the thread for people to make their own minds up, except of course the posts of yours that were deleted for being offensive.

The first example, at least 2 others seem to agree with my thoughts.

Trying to discredit people who you disagree is a common practice here in commuting, and i must say you are doing a fine job of upholding that tradition.


Senior Member
Ill take the second example first, simply the evidence is on the thread for people to make their own minds up

You didn't post any evidence, you made a claim, were challenged, and disappeared.

The first example, at least 2 others seem to agree with my thoughts.

You claimed I have a "collective responsibility" toward drivers. Prove it. Find a single example of any post of mine that justifies this claim.


<sigh> the thread is the evidence.

I dont have to prove anything ! Its my opinion.

A little like your opinion of me on our first encounter, 'An illterate troll sitting on a bus in his own urine' remember that one ?


Senior Member
<sigh> the thread is the evidence.

I dont have to prove anything ! Its my opinion.

No, you stated something as fact.

If you have no actual evidence when you make allegations about people it looks like ignorant prejudice and dishonesty.


Senior Member
The link was to a post mentioning a fatality on the A19. Apropos of nothing, lukesdad popped up and made an accusation that had nothing to do with the thread.


Active Member
[QUOTE 1697347, member: 45"]No
No they're not. Why not just do what you're supposed to and stay in the inside lane unless overtaking?[/quote]
because lorries and slow moving vehicles were on the inside lane already. and when i say guilty is that theyre overspeeding.
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