Oh dear I have just verbally abused a client but he did deserve it!

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Legendary Member
Col, this was meant for the other topic. I don't dislike you at all, I'm sure you're a really decent person in real life. I do dislike your posting behaviour on this forum, and particularly the recent locked topic. That's appalling behaviour, and I do wish you'd stop, it's very aggravating and entirely unnecessary.
If Im posting with another poster, why do you take exception to it, when your only contribution was sarcasm a lot earlier in the thread. And I will answer a post if I dissagree with something posted in answer to me, whats appalling about that, and if you notice Ill answer like for like, but I dont see you posting blackmailing posts to admin with those? Strange how you appeared in thread closures I was involved in again?
You shouldnt have posted this here, its someone elses thread. Sorry for the intrusion Hacienda. Move it somewhere and we can carry on with this.


Soft southerner.
Are you claiming that anyone overtaking a centre-lane hogger is speeding? If not, I don't see the relevance of your (straw man) question to Norm. If you are saying that, then you are simply wrong (and your question is therefore irrelevant).

"How to turn the blame onto someone because they were in a car"
"Anyone overtaking is speeding"
"Legitimisation of bad lane discipline"
"Example of why not to post 'I was driving' related threads on a cycling site"
"I'm a middle lane hog and want to feel better about it"


...so at this point I really will put a lid on it. Honest! I really won't say any more. Schtum. Zip.

Aaaaarrrgh!!! Can't....................stop...................myself....................must.................try..............once.................more...............these....................people.....................need..........help................must...............help...................them..........again.............to............understand.

1. I don't habitually drive in the middle lane when lane 1 is empty.
2. I don't advodate driving in the middle lane etc etc.
3. Overtaking someone who is driving at 70 is speeding and is illegal.
4. Overtaking someone who is driving at less than 70 is legal.
5. In either case, a bullying, flashing, close pass/cut in is inexcusably poor driving, is probably illegal and is among the most significant causes of accidents on motorways (Norm's data).
6. Although the link to cycling of my threepennyworth may not have been obvious I hope I clarified it in my previous final post.
7. I have not at any time waved my willy but I reserve my absolute right to do so in future.
8. Sorry Hacienda.


5. In either case, a bullying, flashing, close pass/cut in is inexcusably poor driving, is probably illegal and is among the most significant causes of accidents on motorways (Norm's data).
Just in case anyone cares, that sort of twisting and misrepresentation (whether wilful or from ignorance) is why I've given up this discussion.


Soft southerner.
Lane changing accounts for, apparently, 25% of motorway accidents.

5. In either case, a bullying, flashing, close pass/cut in is inexcusably poor driving, is probably illegal and is among the most significant causes of accidents on motorways (Norm's data).

Just in case anyone cares, that sort of twisting and misrepresentation (whether wilful or from ignorance) is why I've given up this discussion.

Sorry Norm, but I don't see this as either twisting or misrepresentive. To overtake a lane 2 hogger from lane 1 you have to change lanes. Included in these will be the bullying passes that many if not all of us have suffered. You provided the statistic, I have suggested how part of that statistic arises.


Soft southerner.
Lane changing accounts for, apparently, 25% of motorway accidents.

5. In either case, a bullying, flashing, close pass/cut in is inexcusably poor driving, is probably illegal and is among the most significant causes of accidents on motorways (Norm's data).

Just in case anyone cares, that sort of twisting and misrepresentation (whether wilful or from ignorance) is why I've given up this discussion.

Sorry Norm, but I don't see this as either twisting or misrepresentive. To overtake a lane 2 hogger you have to change lanes. Included in these will be the bullying passes that many if not all of us have suffered. You provided the statistic, I have suggested how part of that statistic arises.


I said "Lane changing accounts for 25% of motorway accidents."
This was turned into "a bullying, flashing, close pass/cut in is inexcusably poor driving, is probably illegal and is among the most significant causes of accidents on motorways"

There is a difference between "lane changing accounts for 25% of motorway accidents" and "a bullying, flashing, close pass/cut accounts for 25% of motorway accidents".
that sort of twisting and misrepresentation (whether wilful or from ignorance) is why I've given up this discussion.


Soft southerner.
I said "Lane changing accounts for 25% of motorway accidents."
This was turned into "a bullying, flashing, close pass/cut in is inexcusably poor driving, is probably illegal and is among the most significant causes of accidents on motorways"

There is a difference between "lane changing accounts for 25% of motorway accidents" and "a bullying, flashing, close pass/cut accounts for 25% of motorway accidents".

That isn't what I said or meant. I have underlined below to clarify that 25% of accidents are caused by changing lanes, and that bullying passes are therefore included in this. I hope that is clearer.

5. In either case, a bullying, flashing, close pass/cut in is inexcusably poor driving, is probably illegal and is among the most significant causes of accidents on motorways (Norm's data).

I think you will find if you read all of my posts here that none of them are wilfully or ignorantly misrepresentative and, in contrast to some of yours, contain no insulting references to other posters. I will admit to having a dig or two at you for your reluctance to say whether you think the speeding overtaker might be breaking the highway code too. That's me just making hay from your Freudian slip below for which, I would remind you, you criticised me for not recognising as such. That was masterful.

If that selfish person had been obeying the highway code, then Hip Priest would not be required to make that manoeuvre and would not be obliged to flash his lights to let them know that he was there.
Aaaaarrrgh!!! Can't....................stop...................myself....................must.................try..............once.................more...............these....................people.....................need..........help................must...............help...................them..........again.............to............understand.

1. I don't habitually drive in the middle lane when lane 1 is empty.
2. I don't advodate driving in the middle lane etc etc.
3. Overtaking someone who is driving at 70 is speeding and is illegal.
4. Overtaking someone who is driving at less than 70 is legal.
5. In either case, a bullying, flashing, close pass/cut in is inexcusably poor driving, is probably illegal and is among the most significant causes of accidents on motorways (Norm's data).
6. Although the link to cycling of my threepennyworth may not have been obvious I hope I clarified it in my previous final post.
7. I have not at any time waved my willy but I reserve my absolute right to do so in future.
8. Sorry Hacienda.

I don't need help thanks, I'm perfectly happy.

I don't do road rage, don't speed, have never done a punishment pass, don't lane hog, don't bully or flash (Ooo Errrr!!), don't take things in threads to heart, but do like madeira cake with custard.

...as for willy waving that's a matter between me and my lovely girlfriend :wub:

Mad at urage

New Member
I do flash my headlights when coming up behind a lane2 hogger and (legally) overtaking. I do this because the lane2 hogger is often there simply having 'switched off' and forgotten there are other drivers around them. I am using my headlights in the manner prescribed by the HC: To let another driver know I'm there. Sometimes they'll wake up and move to the LH lane that I've left empty (which is a bonus), or they won't and I have to move out again to complete the overtake. At least the flash should have alerted them to the approach of another vehicle, so they are less likely to drift into the outer lane whilst I overtake.


I do flash my headlights when coming up behind a lane2 hogger and (legally) overtaking. I do this because the lane2 hogger is often there simply having 'switched off' and forgotten there are other drivers around them. I am using my headlights in the manner prescribed by the HC: To let another driver know I'm there. Sometimes they'll wake up and move to the LH lane that I've left empty (which is a bonus), or they won't and I have to move out again to complete the overtake. At least the flash should have alerted them to the approach of another vehicle, so they are less likely to drift into the outer lane whilst I overtake.
As the overtaker it is up to you to make the pass safely. Id assume you would wish this to apply to a motorist passing you on a cycle ? If in doubt don t !
I do flash my headlights when coming up behind a lane2 hogger and (legally) overtaking. I do this because the lane2 hogger is often there simply having 'switched off' and forgotten there are other drivers around them. I am using my headlights in the manner prescribed by the HC: To let another driver know I'm there. Sometimes they'll wake up and move to the LH lane that I've left empty (which is a bonus), or they won't and I have to move out again to complete the overtake. At least the flash should have alerted them to the approach of another vehicle, so they are less likely to drift into the outer lane whilst I overtake.

Or they wake up and speed off into the distance. Which is far preferable to them waking up as you pull alongside and find yourself being 'raced' by the driver you were performing a simple overtake on. Especially in light/moderate traffic.

If the majority of drivers followed lukesdad's advice of not overtaking someone that they had any doubt about it would lead to slow races along the motorway network. I'd argue that following behind a driver that randomly oscillates between 50 and 80mph and safely accommodating their unpredictable behaviour is riskier and more demanding on a driver's resources than performing a considered and well executed overtake. Making sure that the driver of a vehicle that you are overtaking is aware of your presence is not poor driving.

Mad at urage

New Member
You allready have 'slow races' along the motorway network, often caused by risky overtakes.
Which of my overtakes are you describing as risky lukesdad? I don't remember ever having had you as a passenger in my car, I have had an IAM examiner and two other advanced driver examiners since (as they were being paid for by my employer, I thought I'd take advantage of the opportunity for educated critique): All passed my driving as excellent (or in the case of the IAM examiner "A cheerful and enjoyable drive"). As benborp says, they'll often wake up and accelerate away, which is preferable to them doing so when I'm in the middle of the overtake.

ferret fur

Well-Known Member
As the overtaker it is up to you to make the pass safely. Id assume you would wish this to apply to a motorist passing you on a cycle ? If in doubt don t !

That is what flashing the lights is for. So the guy being overtaken is aware of the manoeuvre and won't unwittingly do something to endanger it.


Which of my overtakes are you describing as risky lukesdad? I don't remember ever having had you as a passenger in my car, I have had an IAM examiner and two other advanced driver examiners since (as they were being paid for by my employer, I thought I'd take advantage of the opportunity for educated critique): All passed my driving as excellent (or in the case of the IAM examiner "A cheerful and enjoyable drive"). As benborp says, they'll often wake up and accelerate away, which is preferable to them doing so when I'm in the middle of the overtake.
It was a reply to benborp on his comment about my post. This seems to have touched a raw nerve with you, something you d like to tell us ?
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