On my desk at the moment I have

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Sony laptop
Desk phone
My mobile phone
Post it notes
The wrapper of a carmel wafer
Copy of pro cycling
Apple and banana
Couple of pens
My ipod
Couple of reports
Couple of letters needing signed
A proposal from some twat wanting me to do business with him
Bottle of Evian
Mobile phone charger
Current novel i'm reading (brought it this morning as got the train as out drinking later ;))
Schedule of a house the Mrs wants to view tomorrow
and finally a half done Rubiks cube

What about you?
Usual office stuff plus a front hub from an 1895 racing bike, a pile of 'Bicycle' magazines from 1984/5, a stack of CTC archive material and a letter from a TV production company.
Eat the food.
Knock 25% off the asking price of the house and make an offer below that.
Chuck the Rubiks cube in the bin and read the novel now!

Mr Pig

New Member
Congratulations. This has to be one of the most boring thread ideas I've seen in ages! ;0)

Why not really go for the caravan and add a poll to it as well?

Today, in tha big brootha house. Samantha falls over and Shaun makes a cup of tea...


  • 2 days unopened post
  • 5 x Sony AIT data cartridges (wrong type for clients' tape drive)
  • Dual-screen 19" TFT's (Fujitsu Piano Black - v.nice!)
  • Change and receipts from coffee and biscuits this morning
  • Folder with hundreds of sheets of network connections (documenting 5 x communications cabinets at local Stadium)
  • Pen with company logo on
  • Mug of cold coffee (has been v.hectic this morning)
The usual really ;)


Über Member
Selected highlights:

A Michel Foucault finger puppet
A model boeing 747
A stuffed penguin
A lego fireman
A small fluffy highland cow which I will zip tie to my tourer as it is my new mascot
Small plastic replicas of the cast of Finding Nemo
A Colin Prior desk calendar


That was the point because I was bored on the phone and looking about my desk. Just a bit of fun mate.

At least I don't know the name of the people in the big brother house ;)

Mr Pig said:
Congratulations. This has to be one of the most boring thread ideas I've seen in ages! ;0)

Why not really go for the caravan and add a poll to it as well?

Today, in tha big brootha house. Samantha falls over and Shaun makes a cup of tea...


Married to Night Train
I don't have a desk any more, but on my table at home are a laptop, radio/CD player, angle poise lamp, various bits and pieces of paper, old bills, bankstatements and stuff, a couple of pens, and "50 Quirky Bike Rides", a book I've just reviewed for Velovision.

Last week there were also some offcuts of bath plug chain I'd been left with after a craft project, but I tidied them away...


Not a lot as you can see.


Not the best picture in the world, but it's from my mobile.

Night Train

Maker of Things
On my work bench I have:
Detail sander
Electric drill
No 4 1/2 jack plane
13mm bevel chisel
6mm bevel chisel
Marking knife
Carpenter's pencil
2H pencil
Working drawings for a job
Assorted hinges
Assorted scraps of hardwood packing
4mm flat screw driver
No2 pozidrive screw driver
Set of allen keys
Bottom bracket
Crank and chain wheels
Boxes of assorted screws


User1314 said:
Only joking about the ladybirds.

Here is a photo of my desk at the moment.

are you in prison?

on my desk:
macbook rpo
assorted paper
post its
macbook sleve
bike pump
some pc133 memory
a cup of tea
water bottles (1x 1L and 1 x25cl)
Data CD's
A ruler
Network port diagram
Desk tidy with pens and crap
some blank DVD-RDL disks
sriracha hot chilly sauce
can of pepsi
A howies merino wool lable


Legendary Member
Greedo said:
That was the point because I was bored on the phone and looking about my desk. Just a bit of fun mate.

At least I don't know the name of the people in the big brother house :biggrin:

Here is my desk,its just been tidied up(under orders from the boss)

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