Own up! Who was it?

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Hobby/Sport/Past Time/Life/Obsession

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Legendary Member
It is the most obvious, but it's the one that most often gets left out. Loads of people just have bikes as a good cheap way of getting about, and don't think of "cycling" or "cyclists" as in any way a special or specialist thing - which is all to the good.
Cheap? :eek: I once added up the cost of my bikes. :eek::eek::eek:
The trike came in at a grand.


It is the most obvious, but it's the one that most often gets left out. Loads of people just have bikes as a good cheap way of getting about, and don't think of "cycling" or "cyclists" as in any way a special or specialist thing - which is all to the good.

Amen to that!


Legendary Member
Yes, cheap if you choose to make it so. I have given away bikes on Freecycle, to people who wanted to get to work or college.
I've given a couple away to friends/relations but I worked out that to replace the ones I've still got is about £16 000

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Whilst I agree with you in principle that this should be viewed as an "isolated incident" and in the eyes of the Cycling Fraternity, DOES NOT represent all cyclists, I'm afraid that Drago's comment below sums it up perfectly.

Us cyclists unfortunately represent a "minority group" and are like it or not, all tarred with the same brush when it comes to misdemeanours and traffic violations. 99.9% of us are perfectly responsible human beings, respectful of other road users and abide by the highway code on every ride, but the actions of the few idiots among us are reflected far and wide.

At the end of the day, the motorist and the cyclist will never get along in perfect harmony. We can only ever expect to co-exist on the same roads at the same time, it just means that the survival instincts of the cyclist must always be greater than that of the motorist.

Stay safe everybody and above all, lets enjoy our hobby!
Yes, I agree about the minority group effect (it's human nature to pick on minority groups), which is why we should never let pass an opportunity to remind anyone who'll listen that the actions of one cyclist do not represent cyclists in general.


Legendary Member
The guy is a total moron.
Which one? ;)


One of the 64K
At the end of the day, the motorist and the cyclist will never get along in perfect harmony.

The driver and the cyclist should be friends,
Oh, the driver and the cyclist should be friends.
One man likes to push a hill, the other likes to be a
But that's no reason why they can't be friends.
Territory folks should stick together,
Territory folks should all be pals.
Cyclists dance with driver's daughters,
Drivers dance with the cyclists' gals.
Territory folks should stick together,
Territory folks should all be pals.
Cyclists dance with driver's daughters,
Drivers dance with the cyclists' gals.
I'd like to say a word for the driver,
He come outside and suffered a lot of traffic
He come outside and became a lot of traffic,
And parked 'em right across our favourite rides!
The driver is a good and thrifty citizen,
No matter what the cyclist says or thinks.
You seldom see him drinkin' in a barroom,
Unless somebody else is buying drinks!
The driver and the cyclist should be friends,
Oh, the driver and the cyclist should be friends.
The cyclist climbs a hill with ease, the driver still has
working knees
But that's no reason why they can't be friends
Territory folks should stick together,
Territory folks should all be pals.
Cyclists dance with driver's daughters,
Drivers dance with the cyclists' gals.
Uncle Liggett:
I'd like to say a word for the cyclist,
The road he dances is difficult and steep.
He rides for days on end with jist a Brooks for a friend,
Lil Hammond:
I sure am feelin' sorry fer the saddle!
Uncle Liggett:
The driver should be sociable with the cyclist,
If he rides by and asks for food and water,
Don't treat him like a lous, make him welcome in yer house,
But be sure that you lock up yer wife and daughter!
(fight breaks loose, Uncle Liggett fires a gun and everyone

Uncle Liggett: Ain't nobody gonna slug out anythin'. Sing it Jeremy!
(Points gun at Jeremy) Dum- didy-dum-dum-dum!
The driver and the cyclist should be friends....

Added voices:
Oh, the driver and the cyclist should be friends,

One man likes to ride all day, the other likes to swear away,
But that's no reason why they can't be friends

Uncle Liggett:
I'd like to teach you all a little sayin'
And learn the words by heart the way you should
I don't say I'm no better than anybody else,
But look at Contador dancing on those pedals!

I don't say I'm no better than anybody else,
But I'll be damned if I ain't jist as good!
Territory folks should stick together,
Territory folks should all be pals.
Cyclists dance with driver's daughters,
Drivers dance with the cyclists' gals!

<with apologies to Rogers & Hammerstein>


I must see people on bikes (mostly) jump lights hundreds of times every day, mostly safely, sometimes recklessly

it's not noteworthy surely? that film was actually in London so I can only assume someone has a new camera?


One of the 64K
When I pull up at red lights I leave room for the people behind me to get past in case they want to jump them. Enough do that it's not a waste of effort. Equally I sometimes think, I could have stopped at that one when driving the car through lights while watching the two cars behind me also come through...


Some people need to get a life. So a cyclist, a complete stranger, jumped a few red lights. Yes they broke the law but nothing life changing happened. They didn't kill anyone, they didn't cause an accident. Then some sad cycling vigilante decided to put it on YouTube. I really can't fecking stand people like that. It's like they've got a "look at me" complex. Woot woo, you have a camera. I get people who have a camera in case they need to have one as evidence of a genuine bad driving incident or as evidence in an accident. But those that just use it to upload menial shite or think that just because they have a camera they can deliberately provoke other road users need that camera shoving up their posterior.
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