bonj said:
yep, i'm exactly the same! was always quite good at mariokart and sf 2 but could never beat my brothers at it...
Without blowing my trumpet too much (oh go on then, actually blowing it quite a lot) I kicked
ass at Sf2 - it was one of the handful of games that I was good at. I used to bet my friends and, well, anyone that I'd beat them with, say, Dhalsim or Balrog and they had their choice of characters (including Sagat, M.Bison etc) and I'd rake in the cash - actually used the money to buy more games for the SNES...
So, after years out of the saddle, I stupidly accepted a mates invitation to play counterstrike and get thrashed repeatedly by german and dutch 12 year olds who insulted me (or at least that's what I assumed they were doing) for being so remedial at i gave up playing that very quickly!