People really will steal anything.........

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Legendary Member
After staying the night in a hotel in Grimsby several years ago we found the car window had been smashed and the car rifled, they just took a can of Red Bull.

A mate of mine got into his car one morning, and something didn't seem quite right. He reached his had forward to discover some buggers had nicked his windscreen. He called the police, more for stats & insurance than expecting a result - he said they were at least trying not to laugh.


Legendary Member
After staying the night in a hotel in Grimsby several years ago we found the car window had been smashed and the car rifled, they just took a can of Red Bull.
I don't know how they sleep at night.


Legendary Member
Some scroates dug out a very special fern from our front garden.I hoped they got covered in mud,trouble was it was dead,that year a load of ferns in and around this area died off because of weather conditions.The saddest sight was a large residence near Weston,Otley.real tall tree ferns all died due to frost, damp and cold weather.Some of these you have to cover in straw and wrap them up in fleece.failure to do this in winter means they rot and die off.That's what happened to ours.silly sods did not realize that.


Legendary Member
Stealing my milk at work is a crime.

We had a food thief in university. After a night out, said miscreants used to help themselves to stews and curries left in the fridge. Not so funny when your food for Sunday had disappeared and all the shops shut (it was the olden days).

Pretty funny when a specially made curry was left in the fridge on the night they went out after their exams.
Lets just say cat food and contents of an ashtray were the least of it.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
At work someone was regularly breaking into my mini locker where i kept my coffee + cycling mags etc and leaving the mags on the table along with pinching coffe from the jar .Also had coats taken off my chair.
This continued even though i moved lockers twice , didnt have my name onthe new lockers etc , Boss briefed a number of times saying whoever was doing it would be sacked if it continued .
It all stopped when a certain employee we suspected was caught on cctv doing something else with company property that required a coded key card to operate that was time stamped with his card code.


Leg End Member
We had a food thief in university. After a night out, said miscreants used to help themselves to stews and curries left in the fridge. Not so funny when your food for Sunday had disappeared and all the shops shut (it was the olden days).

Pretty funny when a specially made curry was left in the fridge on the night they went out after their exams.
Lets just say cat food and contents of an ashtray were the least of it.
I used dog food & powdered exlax.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I was at one place where someone used to help themselves to peoples lunch in the fridge.


Legendary Member
At a previous place of work I asked the facilities manager to get us a mop and bucket to dry the shower floor so folk who used the adjacent toilets didn't slip.

He said they supplied these and were repeatedly stolen. As were the shower curtains.


Legendary Member
Northern Germany
A mate of mine got into his car one morning, and something didn't seem quite right. He reached his had forward to discover some buggers had nicked his windscreen. He called the police, more for stats & insurance than expecting a result - he said they were at least trying not to laugh.

We had a similar one last year, when the wife went to get something from the car and couldn't get the central locking to lock the car back up. I went out to look and noticed all the electrics were dead. Popped the bonnet to find the battery gone! I mean really? Who decides to nick a really old battery from a grubby old Polo?


Cycling in the sun
A worker in a mobile phone shop told me they had people stealing the dummy display phones. Pointless.
A friend told me someone in his workplace was suspended for stealing a colleagues shoe laces.
Similar ... they used to steal the VDU's in my old place of work many years ago!!! Who knows what they did with it when they got it home!


Rollin' along
Manchester way
Someone stole my car on a torrentially rainy night, abandoned it in a remote part of a remote council estate, and then stole my umbrella out of it. I felt a bit sorry for them to be honest, missed the last bus I expect.

In similar vein. My car was broken into and rolled down the hill in a failed attempt to start it. I recovered the ripped off ignition cowling and the would be thief was identified by his fingerprints inside it.

His excuse for trying to steal it was...............

He was past his bail hostel curfew and didn't want to get into trouble with the attendants for being out late.
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