Petition to Reduce Driver Agression against Cyclists

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Über Member
Everyone in Scandanavia seems friendly and calm with nothing to prove. It seems to be the opposite in the UK.

A man tried to mug me in Copenhagen once, silly man should have known the Airborne, and 3 Commando brigades were in town that weekend. He went for a swim in the end.


Legendary Member
Just passed 10,000. At least it'll be acknowledged and discussed.
Never seen 'dismissed' spelled that way.
I think a lot of this rage has nothing to do with if you are in a car or on a bike. Its just the make up of the people. Watch a Danish football match and see the difference between the Danish fans and English fans. Danish fans are called Roligans. It is a mickey take of Hooligan as Rolig means quiet.

Everyone in Scandanavia seems friendly and calm with nothing to prove. It seems to be the opposite in the UK.
Anyone who can't hack life in the UK slinks off to Scandinavia.:boxing:
It may go nowhere - but the more that is done the more pressure there is

Maybe it will help - maybe not.

BTW - it may help if people send a quick email to their MP - he/she will probably just lob it at the dept. of Transport so they can say they have done something - but the more messages 'they' see the more chance things will get done


I’ve signed but I’d really like to see a reduction in aggression from motorists full stop. What is about getting behind the wheel it that makes normally level headed people turn into screaming, purple-faced, fist shaking maniacs?


Legendary Member
Anders Brevik, Sture Bergwall, Thomas Oleson...
Ok not quite everyone. But everyone I have met behind the wheel of a car and not the barrel of a gun. But if you wanted that comparison, the UK outstrips Scandanavia by a country mile.

I was referring to more everyday folk.
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Legendary Member
A man tried to mug me in Copenhagen once, silly man should have known the Airborne, and 3 Commando brigades were in town that weekend. He went for a swim in the end.
He was trying to hug you. Thats how strangers welcome you to Denmark. Pushing his hand into your pocket was just being friendly. ^_^


We also have to consider that some cycle users are very agressive towards motorists, particularily when the cycle user's behavior is illegal and challenged by said motorist; vis running a red light etc.. :whistle:


We also have to consider that some cycle users are very agressive towards motorists, particularily when the cycle user's behavior is illegal and challenged by said motorist; vis running a red light etc.. :whistle:
The issue is around the ‘challenge’ aspect for me, I know all road users(myself included) get it totally wrong sometimes, but I’m sure we’ve all got more than one anecdote each about being challenged by someone who’d just done something ridiculous but felt the need to blame us for their stupidity. Why do people do it? Why should anyone’s instant reaction be “I’ll tell them where they went wrong” and loudly in in words of one syllable?


Über Member
Just had an automated response from the government because I signed the petition. Basically it says " yes we know there's lots of bad drivers around. Now p*** off and stop bothering us ". Totally not interested.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
The Petitions Committee (the group of MPs who oversee the petitions system) have considered the Government’s response to this petition. They felt that the response did not directly address the request of petition and have therefore written back to the Government to ask them to provide a revised response.
The Petitions Committee (the group of MPs who oversee the petitions system) have considered the Government’s response to this petition. They felt that the response did not directly address the request of petition and have therefore written back to the Government to ask them to provide a revised response.
In other words
Dear Boris
This is not PM's Questions - you need to actually answer the damn question!


Deplorable Brexiteer
What is about getting behind the wheel it that makes normally level headed people turn into screaming, purple-faced, fist shaking maniacs?

Congestion, roadworks delays, stupid road junctions, stress at work,stress at home, too many people living in one small overcrowded island.
Modern lifestyles simply make people more bad tempered and irritable.
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