Plans for the weekend?

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Maz said:
Ramadhan is the muslim month of fasting (no eating or drinking) during the hours of daylight. The fast is opened/broken at sunset (ever wondered where the word 'breakfast' comes from? Now you know). It's not about punishing yourself, more to do with self-control, patience and having an appreciation of things we might take for granted such as food and water, and considering those less fortunate than ourselves.

Although there's no prohibition on cycling whilst fasting, commuting by bike would not be a good idea, as it would be thirsty work.

Thanks Maz.

So what about this weekend?
Nosh-fest? ;)

Cycle and nosh?


Cake connoisseur
Anyway, this weekend I'll be lounging around, doing some of our never-ending DIY (fitting a door, stripping woodwork), cleaning and fettling gears on Betty commuter bike, going for a run, and hopefully going for a ride.


Baggy said:
Anyway, this weekend I'll be lounging around, doing some of our never-ending DIY (fitting a door, stripping woodwork), cleaning and fettling gears on Betty commuter bike, going for a run, and hopefully going for a ride.

You should get a red and white tent ;)

whatever that means....


Cake connoisseur


tdr1nka said:
Was that your nose?:eek:



Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Well plans get better - must unlikely I'll touch the bike today. As mentioned, son has party in a local pub this afternoon, just so happens to be my dad's local. So drop son off into party, go into the Vault, meet dad and brother, have a few shandy's and watch Man U have fisticuffs with Bolton...then wobble home (with son if I remember him.....)
Currently recovering from a few drinks from last night - staff golf match/dinner/drinks. Suffering with a heavy cold, and didn't actually have a lot to drink, but decided to sleep at work, instead of trying to cycle home in the pitch black and foggy night through the forest. Scared? Moi? :eek:

Driving my boss to the airport shortly - he was rat-arsed.

Working tomorrow morning, and might have a longish ride afterwards if I can breathe. :biggrin:


Legendary Member
Got a birthday party to go to tonight,im warned they put great parties on and will go on most of the night:tongue::biggrin:
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