Plans for the weekend?

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More serious cyclist than Bonj
Test riding a bike again, and maybe buying a nice new bike. :tongue:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Might get out on the road bikes if weather OK - done enough wet weather riding this week. We get a pass out tonight - my niece is babysitting - first time she's done it for us, gonna cost me a wad on top of the 'fee', as she'll probably be on the phone to her boyfriend - two counties away ! Don't mind, at least we have a chance to get out for once !


Tonight three cans of bitter .Whilst watching my fav video.Scrooge-in black and white-with the great Alastair Sim.A genuine classic of British cinema.What an exciting life i lead.


New Member
works night out tommorow but I cant be arsed with it.

homework, and studying the rest of the weekend.

wont be out on the bike at all this weekend


Über Member
It's daughter #1's Xmas dancing show tomorrow and Sunday so I will be going to see her in that. Hope to get out on the bike on Sunday morning, although the forecast doesn't look great.


Senior Member
fairy said:
works night out tommorow but I cant be arsed with it.

homework, and studying the rest of the weekend.

wont be out on the bike at all this weekend

You are a right bundle of laughs this weather! Where have you been hiding since ooh, the summer?


New Member
college, work, you know, the usual stuff. generally being boring.

how was the club christmas night?


Über Member
Road ride on saturday.
Going to visit my sister on sunday as she's just moved into a new house.
butterfly leg of lamb under the grill, swiss chard, parsnip, carrots and charlotte potatoes on top, loads of pink champagne in the fridge, knocking up an apple crumble in a bit (with shop-bought custard:blush:). Tomorrow is our DA AGM, so I have to go out on the bike, but, with luck, the hangover will temper my enthusiasm.


Legendary Member
Yesterday went to cow green,walked to cauldren snout,it was different with the wind being so strong,the water was being blown up and misted into the air,we didnt climb down the stones to the bottom,it was too blowy,so we thought a bit risky to do,but great day still.
Today because of bad weather,just chilling,tomorrow going to york for a good mooch about,and christmas shopping.
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