Post a trivial fact about yourself/

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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I am also slowly* building an HST (Intercity 125) in Intercity Swallow livery out of Lego as a high quality custom, but... erm, anyway :blush:^_^

* - Slowly because I need to get the correct bits, and I don't think that one or two of them even exist, which will require a bit of improvisation.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I (apparently) once accidentally flooded the classroom below us at college after I had walked off and left a newly developed film to be washed and then forgot all about it....... over night :blush:

Oh well, at least the film was clean!!

To be fair, it did apparently happen every so often as there was something wrong with the pipes or similar anyway, BUT, the building isn't there any more (possibly due to excessive damp), so I can't go back and see.


Smutmaster General
I once wanted to marry Isla St Clair, but I was only about 12, and she was on the telly.
I saw Michael Portillo when he was coming out of the bogs in Army & Navy store in that London, many years ago.
I am allergic to cats, the furry feckers.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I saw Michael Portillo when he was coming out of the bogs in Army & Navy store in that London, many years ago.

...Did anyone happen to leave a couple of minutes later?? ^_^

I am allergic to cats, the furry feckers.

Sensible chap. I'm all for dogs, but cats really are monumentally stupid things, getting stuck in trees and what have you.
At least dogs don't know any better!

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Please, I need your help so that I can be put out of my misery (no, not a ticket to that clinic in Switzerland).

About 10 years ago, I was on a train in Kent, and there was, who we think (I was with a group of people) was a TV presenter of the time on the train too. He was, I think a football pundit, but he did other things too. He had a really distinctive name (Although I could be wrong), but I cannot remember for life of me what it was. I have looked up the list of Football journos and commentators on Wikipedia, but I do not recognise his name out of any of them. I think he was also a bit sleazy, but can't remember why.

I can picture the guys face, he was in his '40s, and looked a bit like a bearded Chris Moyles (a horrible thought, I know), but looked a LOT more serious. Alternatively, he was a serious looking (and taller) version of Andy Hamilton. He always had a beard AFAIK.

His first name, I think it was Gary, but it could have been Andy, Chris or Mark, and his second name might have had something to do with Ravens or similar, I really am at a loss as to who this guy was, and it is bugging me something awful!!

He was on the telly in the late '90s early 2000s, so that should narrow it down a bit.

I was not a fan or anything, in fact it wasn't even me who recognised him, but for some stupid reason (well, for this thread actually) I am suddenly curious as to who it was!!

I know my description wont be very good, but does anyone have any ideas??



Gary Pallister fits a lot of the description, but he was a touch young and doesn't always wear a beard.

Alan Green fits the physical description, again apart from the beard.

It's the beard that does it, in fact, I can't think of any with the Chris Moyles + beard look.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I used to go to school on the same bus, often at the same time, as Michelle Herbert (Trisha Yates).
Susan Tully jumped the traffic lights on Highbury Grove, in her car, and nearly ran into my van.
I queued up behind Lewis Collins at the Barclay's bank cashpoint at The Angel Islington.
My very first job, when other kids had paper/milk rounds, was teaching maths at Highbury Grove School.
When I was taking my C+E driving test I sacked my examiner for asking me to make an illegal manoeuver, he got suspended and had to retake his examiners test.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
It's the beard that does it, in fact, I can't think of any with the Chris Moyles + beard look.

Bear in mind that this was about 10 years ago, but I meant face wise..... sort of... which means he'll look nothing like my description.

His name is there in my head, I just can't quite get to it for some reason.

Thing is, I know nothing about him, I just have an incling from what other people said at the time that he had something to do with football, but I know he did other things too.


Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Oh holy crap!! I have just realised who it was, and he is a bit of a twat. That's all you need to know.

P.S. I was right about the football thing, but for all the wrong reasons, but he seems to be more involved in other things anyway.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I have also walked my dog with Annette Crosby and her 3 legged Greyhound...... along with several thousand others.

It was one of these world record attempts for the largest number of dog walkers all in the same place.

We didn't quite make it, but it was good fun anyway!

Annette Crosby was Margaret Meldrew by the way.
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