Priority on roundabouts

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Secret Lemonade Drinker
Unless it has changed in recent years, and I haven't been keeping up with my HC reading stints in bed before lights out, then when did the priority from the right rule for roundabouts change in the UK?

There are two roundabouts locally where I seem to get vehicles being driven at me/into my path:,156.56,,0,2.46

In the above one I get it when I turn right from St John's road onto Beverley road....yep, vehicles shoot across in front of me from the left (my left) going straight on to Beverley....Also get people going straight through when I indicate to turn right into St John's road.,146.37,,0,13.85

And with the above one, the issue is I can get to the RA with nothing in sight from the right (note house near crossing), pull onto the RA from Station Road turning left up Church Hill, only to have any manner of vehicle appear behind me lights flashing, horn blaring. I also get the non-stoppers crossing in front of me when I indicate to turn right onto Station road.

I was under the (obviously mistaken) impression that the vehicle actually on the roundabout (having crossed the lines) has priority.

It seems I am wrong, and priority actually lies with the as yet unseen speeding vehicle approaching the RA (hazard) with zero intention of slowing down....

Discuss......I'll get the digestives......(Yorkshire Tea anyone?)

(note the bushes in the second link are now fully grown and obscure any sightline previously afforded to road users exiting Station Road).

Twelve Spokes

Time to say goodbye again...
I though priority on roundabouts was beemerman.

Deleted member 1258

As far as I know priority is still from the right, I have a couple of roundabouts like those on my commute, one of them is a curious double one, and people tend to drive straight across them.


Heavy Metal Fan
No it's just called inconsiderate driving and foolish "auto-piloting". I find this on mini roundabouts mostly. When a driver is on a larger/wider road, they assume that you (even if you are on their right) are coming from a minor road and so think they don't have to give way. It could also be the piss-poor "no-one ever comes out of that road" theory.

I think it's a combination of 1) people just can't be arsed to slow down and check to their right and 2) can't be arsed with 1) especially if it's a bike


Legendary Member
I find in East London / Essex the priority seems to have also been reversed. People seem to give way to traffic from their left, but seek to exert priority over traffic coming from their right.

Bizarrely if I approach a mini roundabout indicating to turn right, traffic approaching from the opposite direction stops and wont go until I have turned across their path
Continuing to indicate right on exit is on the increase.
I suppose having used one finger once to switch it on, using it again is just too much.


Well-Known Member
Who has right of way when you are both head on?

I would say it's more of a case of 'sort it out between yourselves'.

However, if I was in my car and there was a cyclist opposite me, I would let them go first (but then, that's me :smile:)
Who has right of way when you are both head on?

Traffic already on the roundabout has priority. This is actually where the "priority" from the right rule is interpreted from.

Regardless, as a cycle you need to get the balance between confident riding that doesn't encourage people to ignore you, whilst still being ready and able to avoid the drivers that do.


Legendary Member
Who has right of way when you are both head on?

If both are going straight on, then it doesn't matter.

Otherwise, if you are turning across their path, they have priority or vice versa (assuming a mini roundabout)
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