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Gary E

1,1,1 trichloroethane, a truly wonderful solvent.
You can still get it but, due to modern Health and Safety laws, you have to treat it like Plutonium! :sad:
Pretty much the same with any de-greasing agent that worked unfortunately. MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone) was my favourite, we used to keep cans of it in the washroom to wash our hands with. It would pretty much get anything off anything! Nowadays it would be easier to get Dynamite!

Try travelling on Northern, they'll cure you of missing Pacers.

I must admit, I like pacers, especially the class 142, which I always thought looked quite smart.

Of course, I never had to commute on them...

Sherbet Fountains

Second hand bookshops.

The first two aren't available in Germany, and it's hard to find examples of the third that sell English language books that aren't Dan Brown novels or Fifty Shades of Dull.

Mind you, I never could get a sherbet fountain to work properly: the sherbet always got bunged up in the liquorice...

Alex H

Legendary Member
Those 1970s/80s/90s hifi systems where all you got was an amp, record player, cd player, tape deck (and recording songs off the radio). Two speakers, good sound, good power.

These days you get 7.2 "home entertainment" systems purportedly with 2000Watts but in reality is just 20 or 30W.

I still use mine, but it's down to the amp and tuner now ☹


Car engines where you had half a chance of fixing what may be a reasonably simple issue yourself, rather than have to plug it into the NASA computer. I fully appreciate and accept (and indeed love) that modern engines are for the most part superbly reliable, but when they go wrong they tend to be spectacularly expensive - often needlessly so.
Space Dust was the craze at school. We used to see how many bags we could get in our mouth at one time. You could then peel us of the classroom ceiling due to the E numbers. Happy days.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Caustic Soda. Again,yes i know you can still buy it,but it isn't as widely available and it's not just down to 'acid attacks'. It's been hard to find now for the past 4 or 5 years. In a way it's good that it's not just there on the shelf waiting for some nutter to buy as the stuff is deadly,but great for shifting blockages in drains and stuff.
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