Punishment for not cycling to work

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My punishment for not cycling to work is the toll.

I live one side of Oslo and work the other. Depending on the time of day the toll can be as much £5 each way. That's a £10 fine each day for being a lazy bustard. That's not far off £300 a month, inc. a rough estimate for fuel.

Omigosh £300! :ohmy:


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I wouldn't ride to work with the amount of hours I do, it would knacker me out! Last week I did 36 normal hours plus 37 hours overtime, although I admit that is an unusually high week. I couldn't even be bothered to go out for a beer last night after finishing a 14 hour OT shift, I just crashed out indoors. This week I'm likely to do 36 normal plus 24 overtime..
I think its the getting home and starting again mrs CK isnt 100 % still so im still doing shite loads at home too.


nothing in moderation
a couple of weeks ago i signed-in a fellow cyclist who'd forgotten his pass. of course many jokes about the 'pass of shame' temp pass and explanation of how my logistical setup of where everything lives means that it's impossible for me to forget my pass if riding in.

two days later took the train in, with inevitable consequences :blush:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Used to work as a postman. Normally cycled in 5 miles at 0530 unless I had a shift starting at 0430 then did my 2 runs on a PO bike ( not a modern pashley) before cycling home again. With my free time I could then go for a cycle run somewhere.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I should have added that no change of clothing was ever taken. Just cycled in my workwear even when it was raining or in winter snowing. Interesting going in early in the frost and snow before the roads were gritted.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
I have a locker at work but I can forget I need to take fresh shirts, trousers etc. In. So have ended up in various combinations including wearing my cycle shoes all day, cycle shorts or cycle jersey.


Legendary Member
Schoolboy Error:

I ALWAYS have a duplicate of everything at both home and office.
I have a policy that I could turn up with empty pockets, flip flops, shorts and a t-shirt at the office after a week on holiday and be ready for a client meeting in 15 minutes.

I never ever take the last shirt, suit, towel, shoes etc. home.
It's better to have a shirt worn a couple of times than no shirt at all.
All keys are in both home and office.
An emergency day pass I can get from reception.


Legendary Member
London, UK
I've been laying on loads of junk food lately and really feeling it .My punishment for not cycling is full-on bloat .
My favourite is remembering I've forgotten my towel just as I step into the shower.
Thankfully, I'm in the NHS, so can always get towels in the department

Just so long, as I remember to get them from the Linen cupboard before showering:whistle:
Done it once!
It was embarrassing, as it was a choice between putting lycra back on, & getting it soggy, or standing behind the door (staff only corridor, shared with break room & female changing rooms) & asking for "help"...………...

Tom B

I've done it the other way more than once...

Cycled home at 2am to find I've forgotten my house keys, cycled back to work, collected keys and cycled home again.

Usually after a busy day when it's hammering down, blowing a gale, snowing or minus 7.

I now lock my bike if only through the wheel with a key lock, the key to which is on my house keys.

I keep emergency spare passes, ID, shoes, socks, clothing, FOOD and MONEY etc at work to cover my forgetting stuff.
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