Quit the Fags

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Pulling through
Champix? I bought myself one of those e-cigs on a whim on my way from work tonight. Just finishing my baccy before I give it a go. And well in! grumpyoldget


Quite dreadful
Almost exactly two years here, after several decades, and many attempts.

I went to a restaurant in Greece in July, and the waiter asked if I wanted an ashtray. For a split-second I thought " What on Earth would I want an ashtray for? ", and I realised that I'd finally licked it. It was a great feeling. If I managed, anybody can.:thumbsup:


Senior Member
Stopping smoking is easy. I've done it hundreds of times. :rolleyes:

Not starting again - that's more difficult. :tongue: I had my last one on January 9th this year. I used the "not putting cigarettes in my mouth and lighting them" method, which has worked quite well. I really think I might have got the hang of it this time. :biggrin:

It will soon be is already the best thing you've ever done. Congratulations. :thumbsup:


Well done mate. I stopped almost three weeks ago, was easier for me as it was following the first seizure I have had in over 18 months following brain surgery. When taken into the hospital I got a bollocking from a very fine Irish nurse so thought it was probably time to give it up for good.

Keep at it and you will feel the benefits very soon.


Senior Member
Good on yer, willpower is the biggest exercise ever, i gave up in march, still get some urges but nothing major and very quickly forgotten, i bought a 50 odd quid excellent electronic cig that just had nicotine and you inhale and felt like smoke and exhaled vapour that looks like smoke very good for quitting or even as a replacement for fags i used it for a couple of weeks then stopped, now my wife uses it now, and the best thing is i have gone from out of breath breathing to slow deep breathing while riding and that is most humbling for me, so its worth it in the end.


Active Member
Good on yer, willpower is the biggest exercise ever, i gave up in march, still get some urges but nothing major and very quickly forgotten, i bought a 50 odd quid excellent electronic cig that just had nicotine and you inhale and felt like smoke and exhaled vapour that looks like smoke very good for quitting or even as a replacement for fags i used it for a couple of weeks then stopped, now my wife uses it now, and the best thing is i have gone from out of breath breathing to slow deep breathing while riding and that is most humbling for me, so its worth it in the end.
im hoping to quit new year, well done on your achievement so far, any web link to the e cig you used? i've tried a few to no success

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
The best feeling is when you are standing in a queue and someone walks past and they reek of stale cigs, and you think ''i used to smell like that'' but i don't anymore :wahhey:


Senior Member
Both me and the Mrs read his book last year and we both gave up. (me 6 days before her!)

Anyway, we are both nearly at the year marker and despite the odd "I could have one but I won't" we are healthier and richer (to the tune of over £4k)

Everyone's a winner, stick with it!


New Member
I thought I would never be a quiter but had to go for it in the end, I used Champix tablets that seem to work well as my wife couldn't put up with me trying to go cold turkey again, I'm on week 6 now and off the tablets, heres hopeing ;-)
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