Read any good books?

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Legendary Member
Do try to keep up at the back for I have not been to church for near 4 years now
I bought this, at Meadowhall, on Monday evening
Bedtime reading



Legendary Member
I am reading John Connolly and his Charlie Parker series,supernatural nasties.They have been superb,sadly the last two have been rubbished by fans,not sure if I will buy them.
Current reading list:
About to start third volume of Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb. Not normally my thing, but hooked...
Previously finished Churchill's Bomb, anout the UKs journey to nuclear deterrence.
Still hundreds more freebies on the Kindle...


Legendary Member
New to me, Alan Parks.
Crime, set in 1974 Glasgow. Main character is a detective who has dodgy criminal contacts.
What I call a raw book.


Legendary Member
Been reading a bit more history; specifically Eric Hobsbawm's 4 volumes: Age of Revolutions (industrial and French), and now coming to then end of v2 Age of Capital (covering 1848 to 75). The next two which I've already bought are Age of Empires and Age of Extremes (this being the 20th Century). Really rather good. Above all it's proper history with points argued, caveated where appropriate and by and large with referenced sources. I'd previously been put off Prof H's work as he's very much a Marxist, but fair play this is all well argued, even if he does look through the lens of "classes" a fair bit, but justifies it in the context rather than it merely being marxist rhetoric. He does of course mention marx as an important thinker and observer of his time but is an admiring critic rather than a proper fan.
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