Reccomended tools to carry please can you advise ?

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Senior Member
Isle of Wight
Afternoon all ...

New to cycling well any distance anyway used to be down the shops & back but last couple of weeks it's been 20/40 mile trips out & really enjoying it .

That enthusiasm has led me to enter a few sportives that i will take part in the coming few months on my mountain bike

But what I need to know really is the basic list of requirements that I should take with me , currently I have a little zip up bag that's connected to my seat post but recently it's only had a couple of bananas in it lol , guess I'm going to need a few basic tools etc in case of breakdown & of course a puncture repair kit , though I'm 46 years old & never ever repaired a puncture in my life but hey guess that it's never to late to learn !

Have drinks bottle x 2 in holders , Garmin is sorted on mount as is my I phone if someone could point me in the right direction of anything else I shall add it to my list of bike bits to purchase

Thanks for any forthcoming advice & thank you for reading
As previously suggested, taking a couple of spare tubes......and making sure you know how to use them......should be considered essential. I normally take a few of those self adhesive patches too, just in case I'm really unlucky. That would usually be off-road, but if you puncture an MTB tyre more than a couple of times on the road, then that would be seriously unlucky. Obviously a good pair of slick tyres is going to make life a lot easier on the tarmac. As far as tools go, all I take is a Topeak Mini 18+ multi-tool (which I love, and has everything you'll need for most road side repairs) and a couple of good quality tyre levers. I also prefer to take two or three CO2 cartridges and an inflator head rather than a pump, but that is down to personal preference I guess. Buying the tools and giving yourself a bit of time to make sure you know how to use them all effectively will potentially save you a lot of hassle if the worst happens.

Good luck with your events, and please do remember to let us know how you get on!
Generally i lash a spare bike to my back with a spare tyre, you can't be too careful.


Cant believe no 1 has suggested Gaffa Tape and WD40 If it moves but is not meant to move Gaffa Tape if it doesnt move but should WD40. im so oldskool. but yeah tubes levers multi tool and pump


Legendary Member
Bananas aren't too hard and a pump is best on the frame

Personally, I don't like anything hard against my lower lower back thanks to a large surgical scar, but it is an option if needed


Darren on Bkool
I'll have to get some of those EU not approved bananas the ones without a curve lol for my straight handlebars !

I've now got a list ( not quite as long as my arm ! ) of stuff to order witch I shall be doing a bit later this evening thanks to everyone who's contributed to this thread you've all been a great help & I really appreciate it

I'm stuck on what inner tubes to order if I'm totally honest lol , if I can I'll try & post a picture up of my wheels / tyres & maybe one of you kind people will be able to advise me in due course :smile:


There's an internet place that sells only inner tubes but for the life of me it's gone completely out of my head.......



Legendary Member
I'll have to get some of those EU not approved bananas the ones without a curve lol for my straight handlebars !

I've now got a list ( not quite as long as my arm ! ) of stuff to order witch I shall be doing a bit later this evening thanks to everyone who's contributed to this thread you've all been a great help & I really appreciate it

I'm stuck on what inner tubes to order if I'm totally honest lol , if I can I'll try & post a picture up of my wheels / tyres & maybe one of you kind people will be able to advise me in due course :smile:
Just get ones that are the right size for your tyres, they are much of a muchness

If ordering stuff online, lots of cycle retailers are part of Quidco


Darren on Bkool
Sweet ta fellas , I guess I'm going to need my wheel & tyre size etc ?

It's currently pissing it down in Essex & my bikes down in the man room so it can wait for a bit yet cos I ain't getting wet again lol
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Ajax Bay

East Devon
Do yourself a big favour, small one, and visit your local bike shop. They will have all you need (take a note of the numbers off your tyres) and give you advice to match. You can then 'sweet ta' them all you like - with your list of items they might even give you a 10% 'starter' discount, if you ask very sweetly. And there'll be no postage to pay.
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