Riders revenge

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Coming home today downhill towards a large roundabout in Exeter, got buzzed by a small car, really really close. Caught up with him quite soon because of traffic, so thought I would have a word.
Went to his windows which he wound down:

"I shouldn't imagine you are a cyclist, do you know how close you came to me, it was really scary"

"You should have been on the cycle path"

"Are you saying you did that deliberately?"

"Yes, you should have been on the cycle path"

Anyway it quickly got a little heated as he wasn't going to apologise and didn't want to know why I wasn't on the cycle path.

Then I remembered a previous forum entry about grabbing the keys and throwing them across the road.

I reached in, turned off the engine and just about to pull the keys about when he grabbed my hand, which got wrenched downwards, snapping the key off in the lock.

"That'll slow you down" say I and left.............................

Looked behind after 200yds, nice set of hazards mate.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north

(you could have got an injured arm, though...)


A Human Being
I bet he's a happy bunny, broken key stuck in the lock is going to cost.

I think that might have been my suggestion, although I would not have the wotsits to do it.


This bit resonated with me:

"Are you saying you did that deliberately?"

"Yes, you should have been on the cycle path"

I honestly believe a lot of motorists think this is a legitimate thing to do, to "teach us a lesson".



slower but no further
SE London
A complaint of criminal damage by the driver might get some traction with the rozzers. I would take a different route tomorrow ...


New Member
I think his opinion of cyclists is pretty low already considering his dangerous driving was deliberate.

So before for no valid reason he drove too close.

Now (in his mind) he has a reason to hate cyclsits even more is he;

a. Going to behave much better becasue that cheeky cyclist taught me a dammed good leason
b. Be more dangerous

PS To the original poster steer well clear for a while. He will be hopping mad


Über Member
A complaint of criminal damage by the driver might get some traction with the rozzers. I would take a different route tomorrow ...

As I understand it the driver broke the key by pulling the cyclist's hand. Of course there are no independent witnesses so criminal damage may be hard to prove anyway.


A Human Being
A complaint of criminal damage by the driver might get some traction with the rozzers. I would take a different route tomorrow ...

Your assuming the driver goes to the Police, he might not be too keen to explain the circumstances leading up to the incident, and assuming the Police can be arsed to look for eyewitness's to corroborate the drivers complaint.

I'd go along with taking a different route.


Well-Known Member
A complaint of criminal damage by the driver might get some traction with the rozzers. I would take a different route tomorrow ...

He's got no proof, I'd be more worried that he'll run you over tomorrow. If not being on a cycle path deserves a close pass, I'd hate to think what a snapped key deserves.


Wham Bam Helmet Cam
London, UK.
This bit resonated with me:

"Are you saying you did that deliberately?"

"Yes, you should have been on the cycle path"

I honestly believe a lot of motorists think this is a legitimate thing to do, to "teach us a lesson".

Yes, I've definitely had that occur to me.
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