RIP Andy Fletcher

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Sad news. Lovely bloke. A regular in The Ship in Wardour Street. Always had time to chat to people.
Depeche Mode were probably the biggest band I'd never heard of when I started listening to them. I still think they pass by a lot of people for how long they've been going and the volume of great music they've put out, but you could say that about a lot of bands.

First song I listened to:

Favourite song (Apparently the video is a promo and not an official video release):
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One year we went by train to St Petersburg, with stops on the way. In Berlin there were some tatty DM concert posters, in Warsaw there was a crowd of DM fans screaming outside DM's hotel and in Minsk there were some shiny new DM concert posters. I was aware of DM, of course, they were filed on a shelf in my mind, somewhere between Cabaret Voltaire and The Psychedelic Furs, but I didn't think much about it. When we got back I played DM nonstop on Spotify for a couple of days and realised what a great band they were. Absolutely no DM posters in Moscow!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I don't normally comment in RIP threads but... Fletch at a mere 60 years old :sad:

DM aren't my favourite band but they are the best band in the world... and in many way DM is Fletch's band since it was him and Vince Clark messing about initially, then Martin joined, followed by Dave and then Vince left. Fletch may not have been the driving force behind their music but he was there from the very start of what would become... the best band in the world. Well done Fletch :notworthy:


Legendary Member
I have a mate called Andy Fletch Fletcher. I've just had to check he's alive. He said he was freaked out by this morning's news.


This falls into my option C category for RIP threads, I didn't know the name so looked in to see what I might learn.

I was in secondary school when they first came out but was never a fan, then about ten years ago Mrs stephec bought greatest hits CD so I had a listen, and was very pleasantly surprised, plenty of good stuff to reminisce to.


Legendary Member
My brother is a big DM fan. We went to see them at Crystal Palace arena on a hot sunny day in July 1993.
Supported by Sisters of Mercy in mid afternoon … the gathered goths looked like they may burst into flames in the bright sunlight :biggrin:


World class procrastinator
I was a bit stunned, when I read the news, this morning. Huge DM fan, have been since first seeing them, all those years ago. It’s been quite a sad day for me, even though Fletch isn’t my personal friend. DM is a band that has seen me through 42 years of life. I remember getting. Speak & Spell, on vinyl, first thing in the morning on release date.
Totally agree with the best band in the world sentiment.
RIP Fletch. You will be very much missed.
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