Road ragers should wear helmets

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Legendary Member
There's an American one doing the rounds where the motorist punches the biker in his helmet clad face, though hops about clutching his hand in agony.

To be fair, the cyclist in the OPs video is a fool. Why go looking for confrontation? Why risk getting stabbed, as happened just a few days ago? All the courts in the world can't undo being assaulted. The driver was an idiot, the close pass dangerous, he should've left it there and turned over his footage to the dibble.
Exactly. No one emerges from that with any credit. The cyclist was a prat and was only out-pratted by the prat in the Prateot. Alright, pratty-boy may have taken a comedic tumble (intoxication of some sort I reckon) but let's not forget the self-righteous cyclist was retreating at some knots. That hasn't gone unnoticed.


also available in orange
TBH, I'd have the hump too if I had to drive that heap of a car.


Does nothing for the next cyclist that crosses this disturbed and disturbing driver's path. Looked a little close but I have them every commute to be honest. Rider could gave tucked in and shoulder checked once the car had passed. Wouldn't ever consider approaching and challenging any driver for that. Camera wearing can sometimes have a use but that wasn't it. At the end of the day if you have your camera and probably your head taken off you have nothing by way of proof and I assume that was the drivers thought when he chased after the rider. He should be punished but as a cyclist I would not have bothered or took the chance camera or not. Will keep an eye on this to see what comes of it though. Gez


Legendary Member
Does nothing for the next cyclist that crosses this disturbed and disturbing driver's path. Looked a little close but I have them every commute to be honest. Rider could gave tucked in and shoulder checked once the car had passed. Wouldn't ever consider approaching and challenging any driver for that. Camera wearing can sometimes have a use but that wasn't it. At the end of the day if you have your camera and probably your head taken off you have nothing by way of proof and I assume that was the drivers thought when he chased after the rider. He should be punished but as a cyclist I would not have bothered or took the chance camera or not. Will keep an eye on this to see what comes of it though. Gez

Wing mirror looks about 6 inches from the rider. Far too close.



There are several disturbing aspects to this -
1) The driver has clearly seen the finishing tape but as Usain Bolt approaches he dives for the tape and encroaches on several lanes.
2) The driver is unsure as to whether he is competing in the sprint, the long jump or the high jump.
3) He is living proof that indeed man can't fly.
4) That earth tremor that was reported in Reading never occurred.


Keep the evidence and report if it's dangerous but avoid this sort of confrontation.
Way way too close. Nobbers like our Peugeot driving friend there need to be called out every time they pull one of these stupid hateful manoeuvres. A cheery wave is not an appropriate response to this sort of aggression. We need to call them out and wind them up with every encounter, and maybe one day we'll get through to them that they don't have the farking right. Either that or they pop a blood vessel, I don't mind either way.


Can anyone provide an example of a time when chasing down a perceived bad driver and shouting at them has actually had the effect of them calmly and rationally debating the issue with the cyclist, reassessing and maybe improving their driving and their attitude?

Worked for me only two weeks ago. Encountered same WVM again this week at the same line of parked cars and he very noticeably adopted the behaviour he should have done previously, after my chase-and-severely-bollock routine.

Dan B

Disengaged member
Does nothing for the next cyclist that crosses this disturbed and disturbing driver's path
And diving into a safe gap would have made the driver see the error of his ways? I doubt it, it would more likely have reinforced his superiority complex.

It's made it to the Daily Mirror now:

Someone somewhere who knows the driver is going to see it soon, if they haven't already, and give him some timely and appropriate advice about the manner of his driving.

Dan B

Disengaged member
Nah it's not, it's at least 18 inches, just to be clear I'm using the same pick a number evidence as you are
It's a long way short of three feet, whatever it is. But what I found interesting was to play the video at 0.25x from 0:05 onwards, and it's actually quite frightening that (1) the car's left hand edge starts pretty much in the centre of the field of view; (2) at no time does the driver seem to be steering, except for the bit where he veers leftwards.

You can quibble about the exact measurement all you like, but it is astonishingly poor driving.


Legendary Member
Nah it's not, it's at least 18 inches, just to be clear I'm using the same pick a number evidence as you are

Remember, the camera is seat post mounted and the rider's elbows are likely to be, at the very least, another 8 inches further out, i.e. considerably closer to the protruding wing mirror.

If passing distance roulette is not your thing, I hope you can agree it's still far too close to pass a cyclist.
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