Rusty chain?

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Mickling the chain last night I noticed some spots of rust starting to form both on the chain and the sprockets.

Am I doomed? Is there anything I can do to reverse this process?


It's standard, normal, and to be expected. Just lubricate it.


Do you clean your bike regularly?

Because the more you clean your bike, the more likely you are to see rust-spots on your chain. It is just steel, after all, and so as soon as it has no covering of oil and has any contact with moisture, it is susceptible to rust. So, a good clean of the chain, leave it until you next ride before lubrication, and you can expect rust. But if you clean and dry it, and relubricate promptly, then you won't get any. I have a bike in the shed with less than 100 miles on the clock........and last weekend there were some rust sports on the chain.


Do you clean your bike regularly?

Because the more you clean your bike, the more likely you are to see rust-spots on your chain. It is just steel, after all, and so as soon as it has no covering of oil and has any contact with moisture, it is susceptible to rust. So, a good clean of the chain, leave it until you next ride before lubrication, and you can expect rust. But if you clean and dry it, and relubricate promptly, then you won't get any. I have a bike in the shed with less than 100 miles on the clock........and last weekend there were some rust sports on the chain.
I have just discovered the joy of cleaning bikes. I suspect this has been caused by my efforts, though I did relubricate immediately after cleaning and drying.

Maybe I should go back to never cleaning, never had this problem then!


Legendary Member
I have just discovered the joy of cleaning bikes. I suspect this has been caused by my efforts, though I did relubricate immediately after cleaning and drying.

Maybe I should go back to never cleaning, never had this problem then!
I am wondering if there is some truth in this ^_^ I can't remember ever cleaning or lubing a bike when I was a kid and yet they just seemed to run for ever?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Just wipe the chain over and oil it, and wipe some more.

If you want to get rid of the rust spots on the cassette, pull it off and give it a good clean.


When you cleaned it you washed off all the protective oil (and dirt) you must have left a tiny bit of water hence the rust spots.

If I wash with degreaser and water I always give it a good spray with PFTE water displacer before drying and relubing.


When you cleaned it you washed off all the protective oil (and dirt) you must have left a tiny bit of water hence the rust spots.

If I wash with degreaser and water I always give it a good spray with PFTE water displacer before drying and relubing.
I've got a spray that disperses water, I must not have been liberal enough with it.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I've got a spray that disperses water, I must not have been liberal enough with it.
GT85 after washing with water, then Finish Line wet lube.
I used to get rusty chains all the time, not anymore :smile:
Mind, that wet lube doesn't half leave a black residue behind :scratch:


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
If your chain has a Quick Link, take it off and clean it however you like. If that means using water, stick it in the oven at 70 degrees C for an hour after you have rinsed it. There will be no water remaining anywhere. Then continue with your chosen annointments.

Peace be with you.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Some surface rust is normal if you've been rained on several times in a week. I clean my bike weekly, but during the wetter weeks, my chain may start getting rust patches before the weekend. It cleans off easily enough, though.
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