Satmap Active 10?

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Had one recently, sent it back to Wiggle as not fit for purpose. The best, actually the only good thing about it was the bike mount, which was something Satmap hadn't designed - it was a Klick-fit.
1. Software was buggy and unreliable. On one occasion a 46 mile ride was logged and then deleted itself 2 miles from the finish, losing all data. On another occasion converting trail to track only produced a .map file, failing to produce a .gpx file. Software crashes requires the battery to be disconnected which is totally impractical, given the delicate connector.
2. Screen quality is poor - despite being a good size, the number of pixels is low. Impossible to read in sunlight. Any current mobile phone screen is vastly better.
3. Postcode look-up is erratic - eg Leeds goes to Luton or Glasgow ...
4. Warning/reminder beeps are inaudible, so no way to hear turn or waypoint alarms. No way to adjust volume.
5. Can be very slow to get gps fix.
6. The compass was erratic, despite being calibrated.
7. Manuals are poor and incomplete.
8. Persistent watermark between inner and outer screens.
9. Satmap fail to respond to any support questions - emailed 3 times.
10. The online mapping is ridiculously slow and limited, and at £80pa is a non-starter.
11. Uses proprietary .map files which means Mac users can't import routes as the long promised MacSync software has never appeared.
12. It is VERY expensive - ok, possibly, if it worked perfectly but it doesn't.

Seems to be one of those items that people either love or hate, lots of reviews if you search around. It had a feel of something that was about 10 years out of date. There is an unofficial forum at - the official one, like so many other things, has failed to appear.

Have a look at, which runs OS maps on a number of mobile phones.


New Member
I’m a regular contributor on PocketGPSWorld and have had a lot of dealings with Satmap having a unit myself. This post about Satmap problems is so wrong it’s farcical. Factually wrong on every count in my experience and no doubt thousands of others. It looks like an attempt by a competitor to smear Satmap. Having posts like this really demeans CycleChat and ‘New Horizon’ should think again about how he or she posts comments in the future.

Panter, the unit is excellent. I recommend it without reservation. And yes, I encourage you to look at the PGPSW forum for yourself. You will see there outstanding examples of customer service. Also, mountain rescue teams all over the UK are using it. I use it for walking, cycling and in the car between times. I am an outdoor leader myself. It's not that you couldn't manage without the unit, but the time saving is just invaluable. At night, perfect. It is no longer possible to be lost - and that's a life-saver. If you want to know more, just ask.
I have owned one since they first come on the market, not yet upgraded it to the plus yet. I use it for mountaineering, mountainbiking and generally for anything which requires a map, the only two gripes I have is it can take somewhile to find its location on first startup at a new location, whereas my Garman locks on quicker, and it is sometime hard to read the maps, when then light is very bright. but for sure the Satmap the has never let me, and battery life is very good, and it seems very tough, as its been banged and bashed quite a lot


New Member
Panter said:
Anyone got one, what do you think of it?

New Horizon said what he thought.

Those were New Horizon's experiences and observations.

I don't see a problem with new Horizon's response. It answers the question.

If the question was "How good is it?", I can only guess New Horizon would have said "Crap", but that's my guess, not what New Horizon said.

PS. Remember to change the font to Verdana, then we won't know you represent the company.

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
OK, I don't own a Satmap and I have never used one so I am not going to say they are good or bad. However, I have a friend who is involved with the Search and Rescue Dogs Association of England who does use one regularly. He speaks very highly of it and regards it as state of the art.
leicsbiker said:
It looks like an attempt by a competitor to smear Satmap. Having posts like this really demeans CycleChat and ‘New Horizon’ should think again about how he or she posts comments in the future.

That’s a bit rich for your first post here. I'm not a competitor - I'm someone who bought a Satmap and was very disappointed in it. I listed the faults mine had - I tried to contact Satmap for help, for whatever reason they didn't respond, so I sent it back (and full points to Wiggle for dealing with the issue very fairly and without question). That is what I thought of it, which is what the OP asked. You feel differently - fair enough.

Its worth pointing out there are many postings on pocketgpsworld about problems people have had with this unit as well as those that are pleased - as I said, it seems to be one of those love or hate things. My posting is not factually wrong, I stand by all of it and you'll know that all of the problems I had others have had, and posted about in pocketgpsworld. I'm always careful and fair about what I write here and on other forums and I don't need you to tell me how to behave, thanks.


Well-Known Member
I,ve got one,along with the bike mount and the whole Great Britain 1:50,000 map card. (also the lake district 1:25,000 which I use for walking) I love it, when it,s raining and blowing and you can,t be bothered to get your paper map out, just turn it on and there,s your position and route, simple! I will admit they are expensive, I just worked overtime which I wouldn,t normally do,to cover it, so I could kid myself I got it for nothing! I,m waiting for the power pack from Amazon as we speak.


Just call me Chris...
Thanks all, I'll have a good read of the pocketGPS forums and see what the concensous is there.
I have had one fo some time and had no problems atall, it is cheper than the OS using alternatives, and mapping is reasonable as well.

I have used it for walking and cycling.

Mine is an early one and has a few things I would change such as a post code navigation, (which has been brought in on the Plus) and ability to use other than GPX tracks and finally a belt or rucksack clip

Finally - Mac compatability!

All in all though it is a compromise between a PDA and a GPS and given the limitations of the two platforms I think it works well.

As for service they have always been prompt with queries and questions, and the "Service"for £25 is not bad:

A10 & A10+ General Service
[SM-GENSVRC-GB] £24.99
A10 & A10+ General Service

Whilst our unit is designed to withstand the rigours of outdoor sports, some of our customers have found that it is not indestructible! For those of you who now have units that are looking a little bit worse for wear, we are offering a General Service. For £25.00, you will get:

* replacement front casework
* replacement back casework (if needed)
* replacement inner screen cover
* replacement battery caddy (if needed)
* replacement screen cover
* software upgrade (if needed)
* antenna check
* full performance testing

Please allow 6 - 8 working days for us to complete this service


Just call me Chris...
It is always a risk with a new product - the SatMAp now has a pedigree which the other lacks....

This is MemoryMap's second attempt - their first was a link with another company - the Road Angel 7000

Bet the new one doesn't do speed cameras though.


New Member
PS. Remember to change the font to Verdana, then we won't know you represent the company.[/QUOTE]

So I got the font wrong! I was fiddling about, familiarising myself with it all. Sorry. But I don't work at Satmap, just get fed up with innacurate reporting and rubbishing statements about a what I consider a quality product.

Satmap were the first (by miles) to get OS mapping out there on a dedicated unit. They're a small Brit company and I've been privileged enough to visit Satmap HQ. They are a fantastic bunch. The product has never let me down, it's being upgraded all the time (the next is imminent).
So I'm a fan.

I think I've done that quote wrong as well. Oh bugger. :tongue:
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