'scuse me...

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Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
Friday, my bad day I posted on an earlier thread about my commute to work.

Anyway at work I got a call to drop into B&Q on the way home. Apparantly our lass has seen a mouse and other associated 'evidence'.
Problem...No lock

Theres a nice selection of Sheffield stands outside. I asked at customer services, I'm OK to come in with the bike and was directed to the aisle I needed. So a couple of minutes later I'm an aisle away from checkout. Wheeling the bike with one hand and in the other I'm balancing 4 double packs of mouse traps and my wallet.

"Scuse me!"
I look round to see an assistant. I'm just about to explain that I've been to cutomer checkout and OKd being in with the bike.

He anticipates this "No thats ok, I just need to ask you to remove your helmet"

Slightly amazed...Don't know what i think about it. I do know it was more than slightly awkward carrying my helmet too. Wish my response'd been "OK, but you're going to have to accompany me to the checkout and carry something.

Anyone else been asked


Never experienced this before but to be honest I rarely take the bike out where I've got to leave it and have my gear on. Motorcycle helmets I understand but this does seem extreme. Gez

Steve H

Large Member
Suspect the store has a policy about helmets that was intended to be aimed at motorcycle full face helmets, but somebody has remembered the word helmet from their training and asked you to remove yours.

You could hang it from your bars by the straps.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Anyone got any stats as to how many head injuries were sustained whilst shopping at DIY stores?

(I guess admitting to having cycled round the aisles would have put you in bigger trouble....)


Senior Member
Clip over stem when not on head, crackers policy though, typical box ticking and no common sense that is taking over this country.

Cow Pie

Senior Member
Been asked to remove my motorbike helmet, cycling helmet and wooly hat (not all at the same time) in various places. Many bussinesses have an information board also asking you to remove baseball caps.
It's so staff and c.c.t.v. cameras can get a full and accurate view of your appearance i.e. hair colour, style, height, distinguishing features etc... Just in case you do a runner and they can correctly identify you and not grab the nearest helmet/hat wearer who happens to be passing.
You can also be correctly identified if the tape is used in court as your clothing etc.. may change, but your general features will remain the same. Plastic surgery not withstanding.
Next it will be D.N.A. sample on the way in and rubber glove treatment on the way out :eek:


Hyper-Fast Recumbent Riding Member.
I was once asked to remove my motorbike helmet in a petrol station. After asking why (I was wearing a flip front helmet), she said it was company policy so that she could see my face! At which point I made a circular motion around my face. She didn't look impressed and said that next time I would need to remove my helmet. Don't think so was my reply, as I won't be coming here again.

As for a cycle helmet.....that's insane. Would they ask an old chap to remove his cap? An old woman to remove her bobble hat?


New Member
I thought the whole reason for wearing a helmet was so you could take it off, turn it upside down and use it as an impromptu shopping basket. :thumbsup:

Then probaly get accused of shop lifting knowing what they are like now. It's bad enough wearing a helment while cycling never mind in a shop lol!
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