she almost got me this morning

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I find some drivers do apologies too, usually a car pulling out of a side road and as I'm in the primary I've got plenty of time to react. My thoughts "its OK everyone makes a mistake" and quickly forget about what really annoys me though is the ones who pulls out and totally blank me. :wacko:
Spoke to a friend today who had been hit by a left turning idiot (fortunately only bruising). Driver drove off. When he reported it to the police he was told she had called them about 10 minutes after hitting him to report the incident. How weird is that?

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Dozy cow. Doesn't surprise me though, I've had people pull out in front of my artic before now. Which is surprising, as a) it's very big and highly visible, and ;) if I drive into (or more likely over) their cars, they'll come off significantly worse than me. One day I'm just not even going to attempt to stop - that'll show 'em;):evil:.
Glad you're ok, Logan.


I'll admit I'm starting to consider the horn, this bloody site, I hate changing my mind on things

as to people saying sorry, I think they never ever have, barring the ones that have knocked me off and been blatantly in the wrong, not even then sometimes, it's either nonsense abuse or the 'oh for god's sake' disinterest


New Member
I think a lot of these drivers do see us, IME it often seems to be the case that they have seen me but have misjudged my speed. Some people cannot seem to grasp the idea that cyclists can move pretty fast and simply pull out thinking they have plenty of time. Morons.


New Member
I dunno, I hope people don't set out to deliberately injure cyclists (naive I 'spose), but I had words with a woman that did this to me the other day; I was waiting for "SMIDSY" but she admitted she misjudged her speed and apologised. As did I when I realised that I'd been screaming "You f@cking w@nker" at a woman with 2 small kids in the car, but honestly why can't people engage their brains in the morning?


Lots don't see (if they look) and many of those that see don't register that it's a bike, let alone judge it's speed

I think they plain can't be bothered to worry about anything smaller than a car


Velo, boulot, dodo
I was approaching one who was starting to edge out this morning, just when I was getting close someone in the opposite carriageway flashed him, he was looking that way too.

I was starting to wonder how to bail out but he didn't move. Gave him the thumbs up.


Well-Known Member
Unless they are black cab drivers, in which case nothing distracts their attention from their copy of the Sun/Mirror/Daily Wail, which they have in their laps and are attempting to read (or rather look at the pictures) as they drive along.

I'm a London Taxi Driver and I read The Independent, and only when I am stationary. Apologies for not fitting in to ridiculous stereotypes


New Member
Hi, new here, first post. I think Im gonna like it here! Back on topic, I think some car drivers have no idea whatso ever about cycles, or they have no speed/distance judgement, they MUST see you but the brain doesn't process the information! wtf. she gave the guy a little wave as if to say "oopps" She's not gonna get home and think omg I nearly maimed/killed someone today.


Über Member
Tynan said:
bet they'd ignore a horn too

I have never had anyone ignore mine. The normal reaction is to freeze and/or flinch. I generally give a pre-emptive honk if someone is waiting to pull out and I am not a hundred percent sure they've seen me.

The reaction comes from the fact that it is a very loud sound indeed and the first instinct is to imagine a forty tonne truck bearing down. They often never even realise that it has come from me. I often have a bit of fun if there is someone waiting to turn or something, blocking the road, I wait until I'm next to the car behind and then give a good long toot which they assume is coming from the car! ;)


palinurus said:
I was approaching one who was starting to edge out this morning, just when I was getting close someone in the opposite carriageway flashed him, he was looking that way too.

I was starting to wonder how to bail out but he didn't move. Gave him the thumbs up.
This is an absolute classic - someone flashes another car into the space your soon to occupy.

I'll never forget the time I was cycling down Fratton Bridge: a car overtook me then helpfully slammed the anchors on and flashed a car for a right turn: of course, I had to go on his inside and slam my anchors on. The other guy went, then he saw me and did the same. My shin ended up four inches from his bumper with him looking at me like I was sh*t.

I'm glad he stopped: I will be forever pissed off he thought it was my fault. Lesson learned, I'm always looking for those "helpful" drivers.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Archie said:
This is an absolute classic - someone flashes another car into the space your soon to occupy.

I'll never forget the time I was cycling down Fratton Bridge: a car overtook me then helpfully slammed the anchors on and flashed a car for a right turn: of course, I had to go on his inside and slam my anchors on. The other guy went, then he saw me and did the same. My shin ended up four inches from his bumper with him looking at me like I was sh*t.

I'm glad he stopped: I will be forever pissed off he thought it was my fault. Lesson learned, I'm always looking for those "helpful" drivers.

It makes you wonder what goes through their minds. I had a van pull out in front of my lorry the other day when I was loaded up with 29 tonnes of vodka. I wouldn't have minded particularly, but he almost immediately stopped dead to flash a car across the road. I was a whisker off driving into the back of him and he never even noticed I was there.:biggrin: Misplaced courtesy can be a real menace on the roads.


LOGAN 5 said:
Stupid, blind, dangerous, irresponsible maniac woman driver in one of those tank 4x4 pulls out of a side junction this morning when it's still dark right in front of me.

As way of background. I have two bright handlebar mounted lights, one flashing. Just purchased the Cateye helmet mounted light which is really bright. Wearing fluorescent jacket, vest with reflective wrist/ankle bands. So very difficult to miss really.

Not a lot of traffic around and I see her nearing the junction so do the shine my helmet light in her direction to ensure she sees me. Well the blind bat just kept on coming. I shout and just have time to serve into the other side of the road - lucky nothing coming. She's now alongside me when she realises I'm there. Puts her hand up as if to say sorry I almost killed you and couldn't see you even though you were lit up like a Xmas tree. Then she floored it and sped away at speed in her tank to create more mahem with her dangerous and reckless driving.

It's really scary that you can have as many lights on as will fit on the bike/helmet and they still don't see you. What does it take?

Apart from taxis, buses, vans, skip lorries the 4x4 drivers are the next in line for bad attitude and poor driving skills.

****ing hell!

What juh espect its a woman: scientifically proven to use certain parts of the brain at different times of the month !!!

Ive had times like this and the ONLY thing that'll get you recognised is a CAR.

As the brain is only looking ofr that shape.
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