Shhh...don't tell the missus

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New Member
So, the missus has gone to bed and I've just noticed she's still logged in. I've just put in an a sneaky order for a Focus Cayo......and I'm excited:becool:. Don't think I'll sleep tonight. When would it be appropriate to come clean???

It's our wedding anniversary tomorrow and I'm taking her out for a slap up binge at Mrs Miggins pie shop so I think I'll break the news to her there. Think that might be a bad move....but I can't think straight at the moment.

Wotdyareckon old chums?


Legendary Member
Go For It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Och, come on you lot...where is your sense of adventure?

Come to think of it, seven anniversaries this year....I was getting itchy anyways. Looking on the bright least I'll have the Cayo when I'm sleeping in the shed in a few nights time. Right lads, I'm going in! Or should I say sneak / skulk upstairs with a cup of coacoa and a biccie and tell her now. Gulp.


but hang on ... 'still logged in'? logged in to what - wiggle?
So is she a cyclist aswell then? If so, how do you know she isn't a member of this forum aswell?
and you presumably did it on the 'joint' credit card? they're always a bad idea.
Type yourself a letter from Wiggle congatulating you on winning a brand new Focus Cayo in their annual draw for valued customers. Act completely surprised when it arrives and start jumping for joy, then tell her you are taking her out for a meal to celebrate. Buy her a bunch of flowers as well (petrol stations are cheaper than a florist and she will never know).

That should get you out of jail.
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