Shocking CCTV of a cyclist being pushed

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Oh come off it. I'm not alone in finding your line of argument here unacceptable. You might think she was a 'snooty woman' who contributed to her fate here and should have just scuttled off quietly, but many of us would disagree. If I had time I'd look out @User10119's excellent link about angry women, but I can't be arsed to argue with you at the moment.

This one?


Legendary Member
It's not about being meek, it's about avoiding getting into confrontations over minor issues. Sometimes it may be appropriate to engage with another road user, but most of the time it's pointless.

Absolutely, it's not about being meek. It's about being alive, being uninjured.

Tin Pot

[QUOTE 3873459, member: 10119"]This one?[/QUOTE]

It's a fair point.

Dealing with other people's prejudice always seems easy, it's tackling you're own that is deceptively tricky.

I accept I have prejudices but try to counter or minimise their effect by questioning my words and actions fairly frequently. Too much and you just stress yourself out and lash out, and the whole exercise becomes counter productive!

Tin Pot

Is this really true? The few years I worked 'a door' almost all violence was male on male. I find it hard to believe that domestic violence would make up the rest.

It does stand for further analysis, and we are hampered by what is reported - male on male rape may be far more prevalent than we'll ever know, perhaps.

We are also hampered by the variance of the impact, how do we measure the psychological impact of being attacked? It's hard to be objective. But it is generally accepted that for a given act of violence the impact is greater on a woman

But on what we have - reported events, impact and damage caused and so forth, then yes, it is really true.

Male on male aggression - and this is going to be tricky to argue I realise - is to some degree part of being human, and I'm referring specifically to your experience working doors. Men have a need to establish a pecking order, particularly in front of women - and backing down at a night club in front of potential mates will happen if two suitors, or groups of suitors, appear evenly matched. Alcohol doesn't help, but isn't truly the underlying cause, it's the accelerant.

A man involved in a street fight such as this is more likely to have a say in whether the fight actually occurs or not, and to be psychologically prepared for success or defeat. But that is not to say it's okay, we collectively don't want this to happen so we created laws against it, it is to differentiate it.

A good place to start, though fifty years old, is with On Aggression by Konrad Lorenz:

I read this around age 14, and infraspecies aggression immediately became part of my lexicon.
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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Whatever your gender, it's pretty difficult to defend yourself against attack if you are riding along on a bike. To me, that's why that attack was particularly despicable and cowardly. The fact that the victim was a woman compounds it, but that's just my personal view.


Über Member
That's obviously not what Drago meant, but seeing as you brought it up, the unemployed *are* stastically more likely to commit criminal offences (both violent and non-violent) than the employed. So not complete nonsense after all.

I'd be interested to see the data for that.


Legendary Member
I'd be interested to see the data for that.

Go visit your local Magistrates Court, see it for yourself.


This is why I always preach that it ain't worth making rude signs, gobbing off or even acknowledging chumps. You've nothing whatsoever to gain, and anything that then happens as a consequence inevitably falls on the negative side of the balance sheet.

I've done it so many times but of course you are so right.

Tin Pot

Poverty begets crime, which confuses those who would prefer it be a genetic or racial trait.

It's not something the right wing tend to like to hear either.


Senior Member
So cyclists should ride around meekly just in case there is an idiot out there?
This "trial by internet" thing I am really starting to like, you do something illegal like assault, drive with undue care & consideration etc. and you should be prepared, in this selfie world now, for someone to be filming. Maybe the more it happens the more people will think twice. The c0ck in this video assaulted a woman and is now receiving threats, poetic justice I think. If someone ran up to him now, pushed him over and shouted "come on then" would he be so brave? Somehow I doubt it!

The internet can be truly awful with people hiding behind it to bully and harrass others but in this kind of situation it comes into it's own. Little bit like that cat in the bin woman a few years back and the Lion killing dentist recently. Before, these people just happily carry on their bad behaviour. It's bit big brother-ish but with the bad comes some good too.

I hope more people will start to confront bad behaviour too, it takes bravery sometimes but if we all said something as someone runs a red light or pedestrian nearly knocks someone off their bike, maybe there'd be a bit less of it?

What this girl said was so mild 'please dont knock me off', I've said waaaaay worse than that. People come along endangering my physical safety cos they cant be bothered to wait a split second, I don't think it's out of order to comment.
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