Sick of cars! Lack of indicating, pavement mounting,lazy drivers etc etc

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Pendle, Lancs
I'll add a rant to this too, because I see it often.
Looked in my rear view mirror yesterday, and there was a 2016 Range Rover up my jacksie.
Up my jacksie because how could I have the temerity to be in his way, impeding his illegally quick progress.
Then I noticed the mobile phone being held next to his left ear.
WHY FFS??????
Buy an £80 - odd grand car, which is equipped with bluetooth, and drive along at stupid speeds while holding a phone to the ear.
See it all the time in expensive cars.
Send 'em to the Tower, I say.


I can't comment on drivers who don't indicate, mount pavements etc as that is not me as a rule and I try to drive in a legal and considerate manner.

However, I can comment on why I make so many car journeys.

It is mainly because I enjoy driving in the same way that on another day I may enjoy riding my bike. Sometimes I'm driving to nowhere just because I can and I enjoy, when I go out on my bike I generally ride to nowhere in particular as well.

So in summary, I can drive if I want to in the same way you can ride when you want to and it's none of your business where I'm going

I find myself getting annoyed when I hear a car coming up behind me on what always used to be a very quiet lane in the middle of nowhere. "where the fook are you going and why are you going this way".


Here for rides.
Owning, operating and leaving your car in public spaces is a human right surely?

I own and operate a wardrobe. Do you think I could 'park' it in the street?

PS people who ride bikes instead of driving cars are weird.

Dan B

Disengaged member
It is mainly because I enjoy driving in the same way that on another day I may enjoy riding my bike. Sometimes I'm driving to nowhere just because I can and I enjoy, when I go out on my bike I generally ride to nowhere in particular as well.

So in summary, I can drive if I want to in the same way you can ride when you want to and it's none of your business where I'm going
I see no problem with that per se, but where did you get a car that runs on water?

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Cars aren't a problem, it's people. Anyone know where I can buy a desert island and get away from the maddening crowd?
fill your SPD boots!


Market Rasen
Totally agree. There is a woman 2 doors down from me who seemingly drives everywhere. A few weeks back, I was doing a bit of gardening in my front garden. In the 2 hours that I was out there she must have made at least 5 short journeys, where she was gone for less than 10 minutes on most of them.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Ok some will say this another thread about me Accy Cyclist rather than about things in general. but i'm sat here bored,a little depressed and in some pain, so why not start a thread? If you don't want to read it or contribute please ignore it and don't get personnel:smile:. I'm sick of cars and the way they'r being driven. There are so many on the road and it's only going to get worse. Don't tell me they're all doing necessary journeys and they have to go by car, because i can't accept it. Cars are being driven just for the sake of it. For example the tool next door to me drives his car everyday of the year, even Christmas Day. Why you may ask? Because he thinks the bugger will seize up if it's not moved everyday maybe? The other day i was waiting to cross a road. It took me 5 bloody minutes, even then i had to peg it as the traffic only stopped passing for a few seconds. Have you ever been out walking and thought to yourself what's that noise? Then you realise that "noise" is silence? When the traffic stops it seems so weird. I fear that i'll be hit by a car when i'm out walking or cycling. Especially now that not using indicators and mounting the pavement has become socially acceptable. Another example of horrible driving happened the other day when a car mounted the pavement. The driver had about half his car on the pavement when he approached me. He pipped his horn at me. I indicated to him to wind the window down. What are you using your horn for i asked. You're in my way, i want to get my car fully on the pavement so i can unload some stuff into my house he replied. This dick actually thought he had the right to make a pedestrian walking on a pavement move for so he could park his car fully on that pavement! :ohmy:

Your thoughts about the number of cars and how they're being driven please!
I suspect, right now, you just have a bit too much time on your hands to get wound up with "stuff".

its kind of natural.

let it go. and get well soon.


Dog on a bike
10 yards from my house is a row of 5 shops with a parking bay outside. 20 yards further on is a car park (pay obviously). Cars mount the pavement outside my house so they can visit the shops. "Why are you parking across my drive?". "Because I'll only be 20 seconds and anyway you don't have a dropped kerb (says the occasional smart arse)". "It's still illegal in London to park with two wheels on the pavement unless clearly signed that this is permissible and there's a car park just down there". "I'm not paying to park for 30 secs". "Well it'll cost you £60 when I send a photo of your car to the council". :smile:

I actually had one woman pull into my driveway and park. That didn't end well for her.
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