So I put blue flashing lights on my bike & rode through the town centre.

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All my life I wanted to have blue lights on my bike through traffic



Über Member
You're a prat. I hope the real police catch up with you and you are prosecuted.
Where you say "the real police" are you implying that I was pretending to be the police? If so then you are the "prat". Did you see any sign or post where I said I was claiming to be the police? Having flashing blue lights on a pedal cycle does not mean the cyclist is impersonating a police officer. Do Ambulances use blue lights in the UK?


Über Member
Slough high street area. Police round here wont be bothered or see you around there, too busy driving up and down the Bath road and Farnham road now its a 30 zone nabbing people (rightly so), anywhere away from that crack den of Slough high street.
Glad I am moving soon.


Rural Kent
Did you see any sign or post where I said I was claiming to be the police?

Genuinely asking - why did you fancy doing it? When you said in the original post, "All my life I wanted to have blue lights on my bike through traffic"? Really genuinely asking, because yes, you never said in your post that you were claiming (verbally, like) to be the police.

(Also, purely fyi, yes ambulances do have blue lights.)


Über Member
Genuinely asking - why did you fancy doing it? When you said in the original post, "All my life I wanted to have blue lights on my bike through traffic"? Really genuinely asking, because yes, you never said in your post that you were claiming (verbally, like) to be the police.

(Also, purely fyi, yes ambulances do have blue lights.)

In answer to your question, I always wanted to see If I am more noticeable with blue and white lights then white lights alone.
People on here have seen the video and are trying to make out it is something that it is not. Some are assuming that I was pretending to be the police. I am trying to point out that police in the UK are not the only ones who use blue lights, so why do people assume I was pretending to be the police? why not The National Blood Service? ANSWER: because it's the worse case scenario! And as they dislike what I did, they want that worse case scenario. How about HM Coast guard, mounting rescue? They use blue lights.

Some need to take a chill pill, I'm not asking anyone to agree with me (hence why I've not replied to the people who have called me a fool, idiot, loser and so on it's their opinion) It's just sad how some on here are trying to make out what I did was more then a breach of the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations. If at all that.


North Carolina
It is against the law to have blue or red lights installed here in North Carolina unless you are police, rescue, fire or some other emergency related field. It is against the law to even have a blue light installed that is inoperable. I think they are pretty strict with the penalties. I am assuming since bicycles are considered a vehicle like a car that they fall under the same regulations. I know I wouldn't do it even if it was legal. I think it would eventually create a problem with drivers, especially any aggressive ones and could possibly lead to confrontations.


Legendary Member
"All my life I have wanted to have blue lights on my bike through traffic"

Those are your words. You may not have been imagining yourself as a police officer but you were imagining yourself as one of the emergency services as nobody else has blue flashing lights, the rest are amber as far as I am aware.

I thought you were stupid for posting this on here. As a 33 year old it makes you look childish and immature. I am entitled to my opinion. The fact that you didnt delete your post after the first few comments makes you look like an idiot to most people on the forum. Then to go on and try and justify what you did and start getting smart with other people on here makes you come across as moronic.

I hope you have binned those lights and that you make some effort to gain some respect on here. If you dont Care about having some respect on here I suggest you find another site to visit because there is no point in you being on here.

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