Solar panels….?

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Octopus appear to support Givenergy batteries for the solar battery tariff . I’ve just got an EV , and the off peak battery charge is working a treat !! 10kW might just be enough , plus solar top up to keep going till night time !

Should be more than enough to charge my Brompton Electric overnight 😉😁


Octopus appear to support Givenergy batteries for the solar battery tariff . I’ve just got an EV , and the off peak battery charge is working a treat !! 10kW might just be enough , plus solar top up to keep going till night time !

I have a GivEnergy system and on Octopus and they do work well together. At the minute I am charging my battery off peak over night and then any solar is a bonus.

Very much a case of solar panels do need battery storage to provide a year round solar system.
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Huge Member
Fly Fifer
I have a GivEnergy system and on Octopus and they do work well together. At the minute I am charging my battery off peak over night and then any solar is a bonus.

Very much a case of solar panels do need battery storage to provide a year round solar system.

Yep they do , weathers been sheet , so solar generation poor last day or so . Ran out of juice last night and into peak ! Couldn’t even charge my EV as it was full !!


The workmen have left for the day. All panels on the roof (13) complete with bird protection.
They even repaired a joint in the guttering that's been leaking for a while. Agreed the routing for the big cable, AIO going in tomorrow 😎


Install has finished. Very pleased with the workmanship and attitude of the team who installed it. Scaffolding not being taken down and away until Monday, so I climbed up and removed a huge bucket of soggy moss out of the guttering. I then realised that a full bucket of soggy moss is very heavy, and it probably wouldn't be a good idea to try and carry in down the ladder, especially as my left arm is very weak after falling and fracturing my upper arm back in June. Not to be daunted, I found a couple of paint kettles from the shed, a garden trowel and climbed up and down the ladder to the roof decanting some of the gunge into the paint kettles each time. Mission accomplished, but crickey, am I knackered 😮


South Wales
Octopus had a lot of difficulty actually connecting to our export meter for some reason. Finally managed it last week of October, but were then able to get back dated readings and have now credited us with about £360 for our export April to October. And we imported pretty well nothing over that period while consuming over 2500 kWh all from our panels/battery.


Octopus had a lot of difficulty actually connecting to our export meter for some reason. Finally managed it last week of October, but were then able to get back dated readings and have now credited us with about £360 for our export April to October. And we imported pretty well nothing over that period while consuming over 2500 kWh all from our panels/battery.

I have been in contact with them about my issues with having a smart meter fitted. When they came to fit the meter there was an issue with the cabling between the meter and the distribution board, so the guy only fitted the new gas meter. Apparently this flagged the job as having been completed. This resulted in the Octopus web page not allowing ( or showing) any appointment availability.


Legendary Member
Quick question for those with battery storage - with something like the Octopus agile tariffs where you can charge the battery up overnight on cheap rate electricity, is this done automatically or is there something in the set-up with the system that you have to do manually?

I had the survey done today and I'm very tempted to go ahead with this.


Quick question for those with battery storage - with something like the Octopus agile tariffs where you can charge the battery up overnight on cheap rate electricity, is this done automatically or is there something in the set-up with the system that you have to do manually?

I had the survey done today and I'm very tempted to go ahead with this.

My system has been in a week now. My Smart meter was only installed yesterday so now I can go one one of the " Smart tariffs " I'm currently on the standard Octopus varialble tariff and will stay on it until I'm happy with my undersnading of the ins and outs of all the options. We don't have a vehicle so can't go on the " Octopus Go " tariff. There's an outstandingly good YouTube Channel " Gary Does Solar " where the gentleman mentioned explains and compares the various tariffs. You can set up the battery to automatically charge at the cheap rate during the night. With the Agile tariff you get notified the day before of the next nights rates. I think last night it was 8 or 9 pence per kWh for a period of four hours.
We had a bit of sun today and the app on my phone shows that the house has been running on Solar / battery most of the day and I've still got 32% charge left. We've been doing the usual, dishwasher / washing machine / kettle with the Dehumidifier on laundry mode for several hours. The new Smart meter display tells me we've used 48p worth of electricity from the grid.
As I mentioned, " Gary Does Solar " is excellent, as are " Speak to the Geek " and "Tim and Kats green walk " They are all UK based people so it's a lot more relevant than some YouTube channels.


On Flux Import/Export you can set the battery to charge between 02:00-05:00 when it’s cheapest.

Agile is slightly different as it varies throughout the day so you need a little more intervention to optimise savings using for example Home Assistant.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
Quick question for those with battery storage - with something like the Octopus agile tariffs where you can charge the battery up overnight on cheap rate electricity, is this done automatically or is there something in the set-up with the system that you have to do manually?

I had the survey done today and I'm very tempted to go ahead with this.

As mentioned , to take full advantage of that you need to either intervene your self and set timers or use some sort of automation . It’s a lot simpler if you have an EV and/or compatible charger with IO Go tariff . However batteries are defo worth it if you can charge them during winter .
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