stick on tyres?

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i got given three rims tnt for free ,,the rims them self are crackers and are mavic ,,with good hubs and i blew them up straight away ,,one stayed up and its going on my bike as its a half decent tyre and a good quiet cassete,,its quick release and my own bikes rear isnt,,,the tyre on one is a conti and it was flat ,,like FLAT as in somebody had ironed it !!! and it was a stick on tyre !!i mean like stuck to the rim with a sticky tape ,,there was no seperate inner tube just the tyre and a built in valve ,,obv this rim /tyre was goosed but i want to use the rim and if i replace the tyre will i b able to use it ??can u even buy these tyres any more and if so i would guess this is a lbs job :thumbsup:
Yes, you can buy tubs (tubular tyres) and you can glue or tape them on.

You might want to ask a friendly LBS to show you how if possible, the first time.


Thanks , i was a bit confused about this as id never seen them before , il drop into my lbs tnt and see if its a goer
Later gater
Thanks again
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