Susan Boyle - 27 years on benefits.

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New Member
buggi said:
she's not the full shilling if you ask me.
Pot and kettle bonjy floozy:biggrin:
Joe24 said:
I still reckon that somneone thats that good, wont just pop out of no-where. Surely she must of been spotted by someone at some time.

You'd be surprised how many good singers there are hiding secretly in choirs. Not everyone aspires to stand in front of Simon Cowell for a critique - Actually I may have just accidentally hit on his next hit show. I can see him coming to a church near you soon.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Crackle said:
You'd be surprised how many good singers there are hiding secretly in choirs. Not everyone aspires to stand in front of Simon Cowell for a critique - Actually I may have just accidentally hit on his next hit show. I can see him coming to a church near you soon.

Is there not people that go around looking for talent? I still would think that if she was that good, someone would have said something.
Maybe not though, going by the talk of vilages.


It's been said before, but go and read Chart Throb by Ben Elton. You'll never take anything that happens in one of those shows at face value again. Elton's fictional Cowell character likes to regularly remind his staff: "this is not a talent show. This is an entertainment show...".


More serious cyclist than Bonj
jonesy said:
It's been said before, but go and read Chart Throb by Ben Elton. You'll never take anything that happens in one of those shows at face value again. Elton's fictional Cowell character likes to regularly remind his staff: "this is not a talent show. This is an entertainment show...".

Well, were they not saying that? Didnt they keep saying, its not very good but its entertaining. I mean, bouncing some wheel barrows around isnt talent, but its entertaining, and they got to the semi-finals didnt they?


Bird Saviour
i know 2 people that have amazing voices but neither aspire to apply to x-factor or BGT. what a waste.


There's a new show where people from Britain try to strangle Chris Tarrant - it' called "Britons Garrot Tarrant" :laugh:


New Member
buggi said:
i know 2 people that have amazing voices but neither aspire to apply to x-factor or BGT. what a waste.

Anyone sounds OK after a few pints though. It takes a lot of guts to stand up one of those talent shows and do it in front of the nation. Though.


New Member
West Lothian
I live in the village just along the road from Blackburn. I do not know Susan myself but alot of friends do know her, and have known here since she was a kid and from speaking to them she has always been known as a singer in the local pubs.

This is what my BF put on another forum on the subject of her which I think sums it up.

At the end of the day she has grown up in, and continues to live in, one of the most deprived villages in Scotland which continues to suffer from the closure of British Leyland 20-odd years ago. She lives in the same council house as she did when I was growing up round the corner from her, she was a bit of a harmless odd ball then, and I suppose she still is, but she has a talent to drag her out the mire and give her financial piece of mind for the rest of her life - as well as entertaining people through her singing which she has always enjoyed doing in the Happy Valley and Turf pubs, or in the Bowling Club.
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