Taken Out Tonight :-(

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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Glad you're okay, though I suspect you're going to ache in the morning. The standard of driving has been pretty bad the last few days (related to the holiday season I expect) - I got left-hooked this evening.......... in the car! :huh: - they're totally nuts.:wacko:

As others have said, do get the bike checked over - forks aren't designed for bouncing off the back of vehicles.


Glad to hear you are OK, as others have said, see how it feels in the morning and make the decisions from there.


Glad you are ok.
However one thing you must do without any hesitation is to get checked out. You mentioned a stiff neck . that gets alarm bells ringing.A/e would be a better prospect as x rays could be needed. If all is well then youve lost nothing. Better to br safe


Fark - :sad:

Hope you and the bike is OK.

Good to see you finished the ride:becool:

Are you going to take the bike to a lbs to check it over?

Did you tell the OH? :eek:


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I'll strip the fork and headset tomorrow it has needed a regreasing for a while and make sure nothing is obviously wrong. I'll take it to the lbs after the weekend even if it looks fine to me. The front wheel is totally true and spinning smoothly.
OH was concerned but fine as I was fine. I think if it had been an ambulance jobbie her response would be different.


Leg End Member
Any wrinkles in the paint behind the headtube.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
No it is a clear lacquered carbon fibre frame, so I will look for any hairline cracks and any dull resonance when tapped with a penny. A cursory check and a few miles ridden it looks and feels fine but I need to be certain, I do a lot of riding in the hills here and can't risk a failure.


Senior Member
I know the feeling; somebody pulled out in front of me on Monday and I don't know how I missed him and stayed on! Just this afternoon, I was turning right into my road, having indicated in plenty of time, when a woman driver overtook me on my right as I was about to turn. The driver following her took the trouble to open his window and swear at me!!!!!!! Incredible. Now thinking of buying a helmet cam.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Glad is does not seem so bad @Hacienda71, you'll be aching tomorrow for sure :hugs:
Reading about fellow CChatter's bike crashes makes me want to :cry:

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Jeez, you just never know. We all know we have to treat every other road user like a complete imbecile but still one slips through the shield occasionally.

Glad you are fit to tell the tale. I got left hooked last winter/spring on my way home from work and felt like a right berk for allowing it to happen because, with hindsight, it was just so obvious and so avoidable. I actually felt a bit guilty, as if it was my fault, when in reality I was filtering down the left of stopped traffic when the driver suddenly decided to turn left into a short cut without looking or indicating as he crossed the marked cycle zone. I didn't tell the OH but I did have to tell her about dropping my bike on a slippy mini-roundabout at about 20mph the next morning because I was pretty scratched up this time :blush:


Leg End Member
Don't forget to get yourself checked over as well.
Helmet or not, your brain will still be bouncing around in the skull.
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